Knowledge is Power is Time is...Lilly

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Okay then, I didn't think I'd get my votes this quick, but I appreciate it lol. Here you go. (I kind of don't know how I feel about it, so don't hate it too much)

*Rikkard Ambrose's POV*
~1 November, 1840~

"Sahib, we must be leaving now if we want to make it in time..." Karim says hesitantly.

I continue with my paperwork, pretending to read an update from one of my factories. I'm not even sure which one. I can't focus on anything except-

"The Ifrit is waiting on you, Sahib."

I slap the paper on my desk and glare at my assistant.

"I will leave when I am ready." I growl at him. He puts his hands in the air and slowly retreats out the door.

I glance at my watch.

I suppose it's time for me to head to the church.


I get inside my trusted black chase and knock on the roof of the carriage. I
Adidn't feel the familiar shift as Karim climbed on, and soon found out why.

He sticks his head through the window.

"Uhm, Sahib..."

"What, Karim? Didn't you just say we need to go? Stop wasting my time and let's get a move on!"

"Sahib, do you not think that since today is your wedding you ought to get a real carriage?"

"Karim, I do not pay you to have ideas. I pay you to do what I say." I tell him icily. Karim keeps looking at me, but I pointedly stare at the seat across from me. "No I do not." I snap eventually.

"The Ifrit would be overjoyed if you did this."

Ah, yes. The Ifrit. My Ifrit, whom I am about to marry. I'm sure she would enjoy a fancy carriage, and a butler to cook for her and a maid to clean for her. If she wanted all that, she should have married somebody rich.

You are rich. A voice in my head pointed out.

Somebody rich who is willing to spend their money on frivolous things such as a person to cook and clean for a capable woman. I clarify. The voice has no response.

Karim sighs before climbing on the chaise and driving down the street.

There's nothing wrong with this chase. It fits both of us and I already own it.

The whole way there, I glance out the window, wondering what will await me at the chapel.

I wonder what Lillian will look like in her dress? Her uncle agreed to pay for that. He told me that a while ago, Lillian told him he didn't need to pay her an allowance, probably because she was getting money from me-a foolish decision if there ever was one. Who has ever asked a person to stop giving them money?-so he thought he owed her something, which is fine. I'm paying for enough as it is.

I'm lost in thoughts until we pass the wharf. I realize we went through the entire town and I didn't once think of any of my escape routes throughout the city. It would be so easy for me to redirect Karim and have him take me to my ships. My naval ships are fast and well protected. No one would come against me and force me to come back here, no one could. As the water disappears from my sight, instead replaced with tall buildings and houses, I think about why I don't do just that.

Because you'd miss a certain brown haired fiery Ifrit. If you left without her, you would never see her again. And you don't want that.

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