chapter six

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I tapped the eraser of my pencil against a notepad. "Why are we here again?" I said with a deep sigh. Sitting on park benches with people isn't exactly my past-time.

"Because," Ryan deadpanned. "You've been practically forcing me to arrange my normal stringing of words-"

"Tutoring on how to speak normally," I interjected nonchalantly.

Ryan wrinkled his nose in mock annoyance and I tried to suppress a chuckle, even the tiniest hint of it. "That," he continued, "and you know almost more than you should know about me. And that I don't know anything about you-except for the fact that you don't like jazz and that you sneak in to the opposite gender's comfort room occasionally."

I scowled at his last remark. "That was one time! Okay, so what's your point?"

He crossed his arms in front of him and slouched a bit. "I think I made it crystal clear,"

Well, actually, he did. I exhaled heavily and stuffed the notepad in my pocket. "I don't know almost more than I should about you," I threw in, in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Are you challenging me?"

I shrugged. "Maybe,"

A smirk tugged on the corner of Ryan's mouth before he could make his winning point. "What's my second favorite color?" he asked.

"Blue," I answered without second thought.


I blinked. "Because you hate the default blue on Microsoft Word when you change the font color,"

"What was the life-changing experience I had when I was a boy scout?"

I scoffed, easy. "You tackled a trekker wearing a bear cap and you swore to never trek again because it's the-quote-bane on your existence,"

After a few more questions and answered exchanged, I lost in the worst way possible. Ryan's early smirk was now a full-blown smug smile. "I win," he announced proudly.

I narrowed my eyes at him in frustration. "Fine," I grunted. "What do you want to know?"

"Hmm," Ryan thought (or that's what it seemed like) and placed his hand under his chin. "Anything,"

"Fine." I sighed and Lord, if this is the punishment I get for sneaking in that comfort room, please don't make me say anything top-secret. "You pick the topic,"

Ryan smiled boyishly. "Gladly," he said. "Uh, childhood?"

I blinked twice. "I accidentally ate paste during the 1st Grade because I thought it was, um, packaged porridge."

Ryan squirmed at the thought of me eating a handful of paste but laughed at the embarrassment eventually. I hate him for that. (And for many other reasons.) "That's nasty," he mentioned in between breaths. "Weird, bad, gross, whatever habits?"

"I chew the eraser on my pencil when it's dull,"

"Favorite pizza flavor?"

"Vegetarian. What's this about anyway?"

Ryan was about to say something stupid, I suppose, but instead he swallowed it. "Future slambook and blackmail references," he answered after a span of two quick seconds. "Okay, next topic. Worst fieldtrip experience?"

"School bound or family bound?" I asked.

"Up to you,"

I racked my brain for something that wouldn't cost me my dignity. But then again, I lost it a few weeks ago because of Ryan-another reason to extremely dislike him. Was this opening up or just simply hiding? It was neither. This was what I needed. Trying to keep that smile that desperately wants to break out, I gulped.

Black And White [currently in a cover-scarcity period]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora