Missing You

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"Where are we?" Barry asks Kara

"No idea. My guess is a desert." Kara responds

"The DEO!" Kara continues flying

Barry and Kara go to the DEO only to find no one there

"Find any of them?" Barry asks speeding to Kara

"Nope." She says landing

"Damn. What do you think happened?" Barry asks

"Probably taken. I mean, we have a lot of enemies, so maybe one of them got to our friends." Kara says

"Hey what's this note?" Kara questions, looking at a piece of paper

"How'd we not notice this before?" Barry asks himself

"Oh Barry, how much you have suffered in life. Losing Iris, and then- better not spoil it for you. Come and find me, if you want your friends back. Who should I start killing? To torture you and Kara. Maybe I'll start with her sister. Should be easier breaking her first. After all, she's only human. I'll see you on Earth 1

-Eobard Thawne"

"Kara..." Barry tries stopping her before

"We have to get to Earth one now." Kara says looking for the portal transporter

"We will. But first let's think of a situation and how we can fix it fi-" Barry stops when Kara looks furiously at him

"Barry, we don't have time for plans, he has my sister. How'd he even get here anyways, follow up question,who is he in the first place?" Kara asks grinding her teeth

"He's my rival. The opposite of me. The Reverse Flash. Murderer, yellow suit and black symbol with a red lightning bolt. He's the reason I had become the Flash in the first place." Barry says

"Speedster I'm assuming?" Kara says turning to look for the tranporter

"Yep. Extremely fast also." Barry says

"He's gonna get his ass beat by the time I'm near him." Kara says angrily

"The transporter is destroyed." Barry says picking up a piece of metal

"Dammit. How fast are you?" Kara asks

"Hopefully fast enough to get back to Earth 1. I think I've learned to control my powers again." Barry says offering his hand

Kara grabs his hand and he lifts her up bridal style and travels to Earth 1

"Guess I am fast enough." Barry says shaking

"The speedforce is beautiful. Remind me to borrow you more for world's travel please." Kara says laughing

"Please don't. I already feel like passing out." Barry says panting

"Any idea where he is?" Kara asks

"No. We should probably check STAR Labs first." Barry says trying to run but guts over

Kara doesn't hesitate to carry him and flies to STAR Labs

"Thank you." Barry says running over to the protein bars.

"How could you like these?" Kara says eating one

"Every fast food store is closed, so this is the best next option." Barry says breathing with relief

I'll Never Let You Go Again (A Superflash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now