Chapter 8- Stabbed in the Back

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    We arrived in Siji by noon, so there was no need to stay at an inn. The village was definitely more intact than Red Wolf had been, but it was still littered with bodies and masked with the smell of death. We walked csrefully through the streets of Siji, our wary eyes watching and our ears listening. I clutched my sword firmly. I wasn't shaking this time. I glanced back at Sam to see if she was alright- she was clearly nervous, but she marched forward anyway. She kept her mouth shut and her sanity intact.

    We reached what used to be the town square, watching the different streets that branched off of the center. We heard movement. We looked around frantically, guns cocking and swords gleaming in the sun. The sky wasn't as clear today.

    I watched the winding street in front of me. I thought they were shadows at first. But I soon realized that what I was seeing were actually things running towards us.

    "Guys," I called, pointing my sword at the street. "They're coming from this way." Everyone turned to face the street. The noise grew louder.

    "They're a lot faster than the wolf demons back at Red Wolf," Logan stated. "What are they?"

    "Judging by the speed, they're probably Jaguar Demons, or other demons from the beast category," Hamada asked, cocking her gun. "These ones hurt if they scratch you. Be warned." She glanced at Jared. She probably expected him to be shaking, but he was just grinning.

    "Let's kill all of these viruses!"

    The demons charged us, and Hamada had been right- they were Jaguar Demons. They appeared to be taken over by Homicidal Multi-Souls. Those ones don't give you much of a chance to sit and catch your breath. We fought off as many as we could, but there were so many- hundreds, maybe. It was hard enough fighting one by yourself, but all of us got the luxury of fighting three or more at a time while the others just attacked. Those other ones weren't really even a fight. I managed to take out a couple, but I collapsed quickly after. It was surprising how long it took me to feel the pain. I waited for it to finish me off, but it didn't. I guess it thought I was already dead. I stared at my squad members getting malled. But they'd always get back up again. And here I was on the ground, leaving myself for dead. I tried to get up but I couldn't move my arms, so fighting wouldn't be on my side.

    I wondered where Squad 119 had gone.

Hamada walked into my blurry field of vision, and I saw her fighting them with anger and hatred. She'd decapitate one, shoot another, chop the legs off one, stab another. She was doing incredibly well, but even so, there were hundreds more coming in by the second. I could barely see her anymore.

And then she stopped.

What are you doing? I thought frantically. They're going to kill you!

But kill her they did not. In fact, they receded. They didn't leave the battle field, but they did back up and stop their attacks. They watched her curiously.

I coughed a splatter of blood, but I ignored it. I watched Hamada with blurry vision as they did.

She dropped her sword. Her hands were shaking. Her hands steadily reached her head, and she held it gently.

"No... Please, not now..." she sobbed. And then I realized what was going on. She screamed, a painful scream, her hands still glued to her head, as if to sooth the pain in her mind and in her soul.

The scream cut short. She stopped shaking. She looked up.

She looked up with purple and black eyes.

No... Not now...

"Interesting place she finds herself in," Amelia spoke. My dying heart beat faster and faster, or at least as fast as it go in my last moments. Maybe the sound of that drum was only in my head.

It was only when I heard a scream that I realized how bad it was that Amelia came out now.

Jared ran into my field of vision, his features fading in my dying eyes. I could barely here what he had screamed.


His sword was gone, probably lost to the jaguars.


Amelia smiled as he reached for her sword.

"I don't think so."

His screams were the last thing I heard. Him falling over and getting attacked by viruses was the last thing I saw.

And Amelia's evil was the last thing I felt.

❤️A note from the mind of Horror❤️- This is not the end of Virus! Just to make that clear.
Also, please, please, please leave comments on Virus! I love hearing what you all think when you read something, and I'd love to know what you all think of the story! Honestly! Any and all opinions are welcome.
Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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