On The Rocks

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Author: onemorefanaccount

Throwing the folder to the side, you release an agitated groan. Ross had promised you he would be home early tonight. He had assured you that you would both finally move forward with your wedding plans.
You and he both had such full on schedules, so much so that it seemed as though you barely crossed paths with him despite the fact you live together. Today was the first day you had had off in over a month and you just wanted to spend the day relaxing-but you knew you had to try and be productive, so you had got out all of your wedding planners and got stuck right into them.
With your schedule about to become even busier, as you were going to start the filming for a new show you had recently been casted for-you wanted to get as much done as possible.
By the time Ross arrived home, it was past dinner and you had pushed aside the wedding planners and had put in a movie.
Pressing pause, you watch as he makes his way into the room. The day had taken a toll on him and you could see he was just as exhausted as you imagined he would be.
Instead of insisting he sit down and start planning your big day like you had wanted him to do, you sigh and rise to your feet.
Ross meets you gaze and offers you an apologetic smile as you pull him into a hug. "I've missed you," you mumble, burying your face in his chest, having felt as though you hadn't had a minute to yourselves in a long time.
He takes a deep breath as he holds you tight, "I've missed you too," he whispers just as quietly. "I'm sorry," he apologises, "I know I said I'd be here...but the shoot went longer than what I thought it would."
Pulling back you lift your hand to rest on the side of his face, "It's okay," you insist, though the disappointment in your voice could be heard.
"How about I have a quick meal and then we can sit down and run through some ideas?" he suggests.
"I would really love that," you smile.
Ross leans down to kiss the top of your head, "I'll come sit down in a few," he promises before releasing you from his hold.
You return to your previous seat and instead of resuming your movie, you move the overflowing folders back onto the couch, organising the papers into categories.
The wedding party and the guest list had already been decided, the most difficult decision you were had to make was the date and venue.
Your wedding had already been pushed off so many times you had lost count. Ross wanted the ceremony to happen as soon as possible, having grown tired of waiting for so long. You on the other hand, wanted the day to be perfectly timed and not just to happen for the sake of it.
Ross joined you after he had eaten, sitting opposite you he flicks though the small display folder you had made of the venues you liked the look of. "I still want to have the ceremony outside," you tell him. "There are some really beautiful gardens," you continue.
"The seasons are changing," he comments. "The weather's getting colder and more unpredictable. We would have to wait until next year for spring or summer to return."
"Is that a problem?" you ask, confusion spreading across your face. "I thought we decided to have a spring wedding anyway."
"That was months ago when we thought we'd be getting married early this year," he replies.
You turn your body so you were facing him, "We had to plan around your filming schedule though," you remind him. "We had to postpone the wedding."
Ross places the book down and looks you in the eyes, "What about all the times before that though?"
Your jaw drops slightly, unable to comprehend what he was asking. "What are you trying to say?"
He only shakes his head, "Doesn't matter."
You copy his action, your head moving side to side, "No," you deny, "it does matter."
Ross sighs, "Do you still want to marry me?"
Scoffing, you cross your arms, "Why would you ask me that?"
"You're not answering the question."
"Of course I still want to marry you! Where is this coming from? I love you Ross," you declare, "nothing has changed."
"But it has," he counters. "Everything has changed. We hardly see each other or talk to one another, this is the first time in months we've tried to plan for the wedding."
"Ross," you interrupt, "when would we have the time to sit down together and do this? You said it yourself, we hardly see each other. But just because our lives are hectic right now, it doesn't mean I don't want any of it. I want you, I want to marry you, I want to live my life with you," you list. "I know we keep pushing off the wedding...but we didn't have any other choice. This is our careers we're talking about, we can't just put all of that on hold."
"So you'd rather put our life on hold?" Ross asks.
"Where is all of this coming from?" you demand. "Is it you who doesn't want to get married anymore? Are you just trying to find some excuse-any excuse-to not go through with it?"
Ross rolls his eyes, "Don't do that," he says.
You snort, "Do what? Accuse you of exactly what you are me? If you don't want to do this anymore, all you had to do was tell me. Actually you know what?" you ask, ignoring his question. "If you don't want to do this, then we won't. We'll just call it off. All of it."
"What are you talking about? I don't want to-" his words are cut short, staring up at you as you rise to your feet. You leave the folders behind on the couch as you move away from them. "What are you doing?" Ross questions, he, too, was now standing.
"I'm leaving," you tell him. You knew you were probably overreacting a little bit, but you couldn't be around him right now. You just needed some space.
"Where are you going?" Ross asks, worry lacing his tone.
You take a deep breath, "I'll probably stay at (Y/F/N)'s."
He takes a step towards you, "Don't go," he begs. "Stay. We'll talk about this, you're taking this out of proportion."
Nodding, you wrap your arms around yourself, "Probably," you admit. "But I think we need some time apart to think this over, to figure out what we want."
Not giving him a chance to say anything else, you leave the lounge and make your way to the bedroom to start packing your bag.

Hollywood's power couple on the rocks?
American heartthrob Ross Butler, 27, and (Y/N) (Y/L/N), (Y/A), seem to be going through "a rough patch" says a source close to the pair. They claim (Y/L/N) moved out of their shared home just over a week ago, "needing some time to just get back on track".
Being so caught up in their jobs it's fair to say the lovebirds haven't had much time to themselves recently-the last time they were seen out in the streets of LA together being over two months ago now.
With Butler just starting to film the much anticipated second season to the Netflix's Original series '13 Reasons Why' and (Y/L/N)'s recent signing of a new contract with (network) to star in the upcoming show '(S/N)'-we can't see these two having a clear schedule anytime soon.
The couple announced their engagement via social media almost two years ago and we haven't heard much of their big day since.

Rolling to your side, you unlock your phone for the umpteenth time in the last fifteen minutes. You missed Ross, you hadn't spoken to him over the past few days-just a few text messages here and there.
You knew you made a mistake leaving the way you did, but you knew it was the right thing to do at the time.
But now it was time to face him, to have the conversation you were dreading. You knew exactly what you wanted, you always have-you just weren't sure how Ross was feeling right now.
Finally having the courage to dial his number, you wait patiently as the phone rings. He picks up the call within the first few rings, "Hey," he greets quietly.
"Hey," you echo.
Neither of you say anything for a while, you just lie there in silence. "When are you coming home?" Ross asks.
"Do you want me home?"
"More than anything," he insists. "I never wanted you to leave in the first place."
"I'm sorry."
He sighs, "Don't be. I get it. We need to talk though, really talk this time and listen."
"I know."
It was quiet for a few more seconds, "Can you come tonight?"
"I can be home within an hour," you whisper.
"I'll see you then." Just as you were about to hang up, he speaks again. "And (Y/N)?"
"I love you."
Closing your eyes, a smile forms on your face, "I love you, too."

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