Love Conquers All

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                                                                         (Kiba's Point of View)

Kiba started back to his house and was dreading what was to come. He was mentally preparing himself for the fight that he was certain was to happen. His mind started to wander after a few minutes, however. It kept going back to the events that had happened throughout the day. He was still shocked about the new bond formed between him and Naruto. He found out soon enough, the farther you are away from your marked mate, the less you could feel the emotions. You could also block it by not focusing on it.

Kiba had felt so many emotions that he had started to bawl uncontrollably. He had felt so much pain in Naruto's heart that he was surprised Naruto hadn't gone mad. He couldn't believe that the knuckleheaded ninja he loved so much could have felt that amount of pain in the 15 years he had been alive. It almost made him tear up just by thinking about. It hurt Kiba more than he cared to admit that Naruto never really trusted anyone. He never let anyone know his feelings or how much pain he was in.

'Why do you do it Naruto? Why do you act so carefree ad happy when you are in so much pain? It makes me feel useless because I don't know how to help you. Let me help you by loving you at least. That's all I know how to do.' Kiba thought while becoming extremely depressed.

Kiba made it to the Inuzuka compound about five minutes later. He smelt something that made him pause. He smelled tears and a quick sniff revealed to him that his mother was the only one there. 'Why would she be crying? She is the weirdest person I know. What happened to get her so down?' Were some of the thoughts that were going through his mind.

He opened the door and went into the dining room. The smell of tears was the strongest there. He found his mom sitting at the table, crying silently.

"What's the matter, mom? Did I do something wrong?" Kiba asked in alarm. He then realized that she was probably crying because she couldn't do anything to break Naruto and him up. It made Kiba pissed off because no one seemed to give Naruto a chance. 'But would she really look this depressed because of something like that?' He thought before completely jumping to conclusions.

"I've treated Naruto so badly. I never gave him a chance." Tsume said. This small statement instantly curbed Kiba's anger and piqued his curiosity. 'Why would she suddenly have such a huge change of heart? It makes no sense. She never changes her mind without a huge fight.'\

"What do you mean mom? You are confusing me." Kiba said.

"I'm talking about have I've treated him. He has done so much for the village and I still managed to just look past that to what I thought was the real person. I won't do that anymore. I will give him a chance this time. I will not interfere with you and him." Tsume finished strongly and without remorse.

"What brought this on mom? What made you change your mind? I came here fully prepared for a huge fight. I was ready to stand up for Naruto and take the consequences of it. I even left Akamaru with him so that I would have an excuse to go back and see him. Why the sudden change of heart?" Kiba asked. He was still a bit suspicious as to his mother's intentions. However, he was prepared to give her a chance to say her side of the story.

"I did the one thing that I was actually afraid to do. I put myself in his shoes. I tried looking at things through his point of view. I realized that he had gone through so much. He deserves so much more than what he actually gets."

"But what made you actually try to put yourself in his shoes? It isn't like you to just do something like that for no good reason. I am really grateful that you are giving him a chance but it makes me really suspicious. Most of the times, even a huge fight wouldn't get you to change your mind." Kiba said. He was really glad and couldn't help the hope that flickered inside of his chest. 'Maybe I truly will get to be with him! I can't get my hopes up though. There is still a chance that she is trying to use my relationship with him to observe what he does. I have to be on my guard with her.'

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