Chapter 8 - A Letter Home

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So, I'm trying something new. I really like Jeremy as a character, but I want him to be an observer as well as an active character in the story, so here's a bit of narration from Jeremy! Let me know what you think!

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Dear Mum,

You know how excited I was about that new guitar and how hard I worked to save up for it? I've gone and sold it to Draco Malfoy. I'm sure you have questions as to why I did such a rash thing and why I'm associating with a Malfoy after you told me not to, but I assure you, I have good reason.

For one, Draco paid me three times to guitar's worth and offered to make sure no one picked on me in exchange for lessons. The assurance that I'll be left alone was enough to convince me, but the money certainly doesn't hurt. That reminds me: will you put in an order for the exact same type of guitar, then use the rest of the money to help around the house? You'll have to go to Diagon Alley to get it changed into Muggle money, but it should be quite a help.

Anyway, Draco offered to 'protect me from my peers' as he put it. As pretentious as that sounds, it's exactly what I needed. Some of the older Slytherins found out that I'm not a Pureblood (which is exactly what it sounds like; someone with only wizard blood), so they like to make fun of me and call me names. Nothing I can't handle. What was really inconveniencing me was when they would trip me and hide my things. But Draco managed to make them stop. He didn't come out and say anything, but every time they want to follow me around, he tells them that's stupid and boring and that he'd much rather play a trick on Potter and Weasley. It always works.

Draco's also introduced me to his friends, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. Of course, he didn't come right out and introduce us. It was all very cloak and dagger, but he told them that he owed me something and that they were to help me out when they could.

One other person Draco introduced me to is Luna Lovegood. She's a girl who people often make fun of, just like me. Only, it's worse for her. Apparently, she and her father are oddballs, even among wizards and witches. Kids like to call her Loony Lovegood and they take her things and hide them in awful places. Things like that would make me right angry, but Luna's too good for that. I used to think she just didn't know they were being mean, but since I've started talking to her, I've realized that she's just the rare type of person who manages to rise above base torment.

The other reason I bring up Luna is because she's the reason Draco needed my guitar and lessons in the first place. He's totally besotted with her. Head over heels in obsession. Currently, he's learning to play the guitar so that he can tell Luna that hr plays guitar and then she will take part in a talent show that we're having here. It's kind of hilarious how hard Draco is trying.

He had his first practice with Luna just the other day and it was one of the most magnificent things I've ever seen in my life. I wasn't supposed to be there originally, but Draco decided it would help his image if he showed up with a 'poor child in need of his protection'. Don't worry, he's only half as pompous as he sounds.

Anyway, Draco and I were in the Room of Requirement, which is something I didn't know existed until this week. Basically, it's a room that adapts the the wishes of its occupant and all they have to do is think of what they want. It's quite splendid.

Okay, back to the story. We were in the Room and Draco had ordered up a large grand piano for effect and had a tall wooden stool appear for him to sit on while he played. I thought up a big comfy armchair in the corner of the room and just watched Draco mess around for a while. Then, all of a sudden, he kind of froze up and watched the door open. I thought some monster was going to walk in and eat us, but a girl with platinum hair and huge eyes slipped in and smiled like she was sleeping. It was right creepy.

Draco unfroze and just sighed, "Luna, you're late."

She ignored him and walked right up to me and said, "Did you know that Nargles are real no matter what everyone says?"


After she said that, Draco and I both kind of stared at her as she sat down at the piano. She kind of looked at Draco out of the corner of her eye and half whispered, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Draco kept staring. His mouth was open a little bit. He kind of looked like he was having an argument with himself in his mind. He tends to do that quite a bit if I'm honest. Serving about Luna just makes him conflicted I guess.

Anyway, the practice went alright. Originally, I was supposed to only be there to help make Draco look good, but he only knows so many chords, so I had to take over part way through. Luna was delighted. She's never seen a real guitar, if you can believe it. I ended up agreeing to teach her to play when I have spare time. Draco's informed me that I will have no spare time until well after the talent show.

A note about Draco: he's not as awful as he seems in this letter. He's actually quite...brotherly. Or I imagine he is. A real representation of an older brother. One who doesn't want to be seen with you because you're not cool, but is looking out for you on the sidelines. Even when he's ordering me around, there's a part of me that thinks he's only ordering because he doesn't want to seem weak by asking. He's like a real older brother.

Something that troubles me though, is his obsession with Luna. Not to say that Luna isn't wonderful, because she really is. It's obsession. Blaise and Pansy seem to think he's in love with her, but they haven't really spent any time together. He doesn't really seem to know her on a personal level. But I hope he gets to know her. I think Luna would be foot for Draco. He needs someone like her to balance out how serious he is. And I think she makes him feel lighter in general.

I have to go now. Draco's coming up the stairs for his usual lesson and I'm not supposed to tell anyone about the lessons or his obsession with Luna. Don't forget my guitar, and I'll wrote more soon, Mum.


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