Go to bed girl, live your dreams

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So, Claire. Where'd you go last night?" My sister teases with a smile. I just continue mixing my brownie batter and turn my back towards her.

"To return that coat you found, obviously."

"You were out late."

"No, I wasnt." I fib "There was a thunderstorm last night; you probably didn't hear me come in."

Becca opens her mouth to speak again before abruptly shutting it.
Claire: 1 Becca: 0

Becca glances at the front window for the third time this evening. I don't know what she could possibly be looking for, the sun is almost completely set.

Raising an eyebrow, I slap her on the shoulder. "What are you looking for?"

"I want to show you our hot neighbor. They always go jogging at this time in the evening."

"Jeez, stalker much?"

"Oh! There they are, come look !" She runs over towards the window and I follow with Lily trailing behind.

I make it over just in time to see the back of Alec Hirst's head attached to a muscular running body just before he disappears from sight. I nearly vomit. "I thought you meant a girl." I turn around and go back to the kitchen.

As I start stirring again, I hear my sister swooning. "Jesus, Becca."I chime in, "You act like you want to marry him. I thought you were gay."

"Just because I don't want him to bone me doesn't mean I can't appreciate! And that guy is definitely someone I can appreciate." I roll my eyes as Lily agrees. "Did you know we had a hot neighbor?" Becca questions.

"Uh, he's in my grade at school."


I flick brownie batter on her. "No way. I hate him."

"Can you hand me the maple syrup?" Lily asks.

"What?" Becca laughs. "Maple syrup? That wasn't in the recipe."

"It's my secret ingredient. Trust me."

Becca walks over to the pantry. After briefly searching, she turns to me. "Claire, do we have any?"

I shake my head. "We just ran out last weekend."

"No, they NEED maple syrup. It will change your life." Lily says.

Becca groans. "It's 9:30 at night!"

"I'll just run down to the store and get it!" I offer. "It'll take like 10 minutes tops."

Lily grins at me. "You will?"

"Yeah, there's a store like 2 minutes from here." I grab my keys from the counter. "Be right back."

I drive the short way to the small convenience store and pull into the tiny parking lot, frowning in annoyance when i see no open spots. I then pull out into the small neighborhood and park along the street.

I walk down the dark sidewalk lined with big oak trees. The roots grow beneath the sidewalk and jut up in sme places, so you have to be careful walking on the uneven path. The big branches reach out and block out the little light provided by the few streetlights.

"Hey there. It's a nice night, isn't it." The words sound more like a recited statement than they do a greeting. The voice comes from a short man leaning up against the dark brick wall with his face basked in shadows.

Ignoring him, I hike my purse up on my shoulder and quicken my pace. I complete the short walk to the Albertsons without a further issue, and upon entering the doors, I let out a deep breath.

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