Sweet, Sweet Child

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Such a tiny, fragile heart

Beating along with mine

Another body, another soul

One I will protect for the rest

And all of my life

You have not been born yet

But I will see you soon

For now, take your sweet, sweet time

Grow as you should

Come into this world on time

Not too early

For when you are born

I want you to leave the hospital when I do

And come home

It won't be easy

I know this to be true

And though at times

I may become overwhelmed

Nothing will stop me

I will look unto you and smile

You will be my shining star

My saving grace

You are my redemption

As the years go by, your father and I

Shall instill the proper values

Do not lie, do not cheat

Do not steal and please baby please

Treat those you know or meet

With respect and kindness

Do not discriminate

Because of what other people say

Make your own decisions

Your life is your own

Think the way you want to

No matter your gender

Or even your sexuality

I will love you the same

For you are my child

You are one part of me

I love you sweet, sweet little baby

And one day, we will meet

*In honor of my child yet to be born. EAD: October 21, 2014*

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