Chapter 1

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Hanna's POV
It had been 2 weeks, 2 long tedious weeks, since I was declared guilty of being an accessory to murder. After loosing Mona in the most horrific way possible and finding out that Alison was A, I didn't think that my life could possibly get any worse...

Until the one and only Alison Dilaurentis walked into my cell...

Her hands were cuffed behind her back and her matted hair fell onto the notorious orange jumpsuit we were both wearing. Her face was dry with no makeup and she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks.

Not too long ago I would have been happy, or relieved to have Alison here with me. But after everything she had done to Aria, Emily, and myself, I couldn't stand the sight of her. Did she really think that she could just walk back into my life and at like nothing had happened? Did she really think I would forgive her that easily?

"Hanna this is Alison, she will be your cell mate until your sentence is up."

I stared at the ground, a million thoughts running through my head. Even the dirty brick wall and my old, metal bed would be better company than her. I wanted to voice my thoughts, more specifically scream as loud as my lungs could handle, but no sound came out. Instead, the cell remained awkwardly silent, with the occasional sound of handcuffs.  I stared at Alison, her beady eyes staring back at me filled with both hatred and love.

Alison turned around to face the guard standing at the door.
"Excuse me sir, but Hanna and I go way back. No need for introductions"

I grunted, not wanting to speak. Her loud, yet somehow quiet voice getting on every one of my nerves. After being stuck in here alone for weeks I was getting used to being grumpy, but as I looked over at Alison, a small smirk spread across my face. I found it slightly funny that the Queen bed and fashion queen of our group was now wearing the same orange jumpsuit as 'Hefty Hanna'.

As Alison sat down on her bed, a loud creaking sound filling the cell, a wave of sickness came over me. Thinking it was nothing I remained sitting on my bed, staring out the small hole in the wall. It wasn't much of a view, but the small tree outside was enough to remind me that there was life outside prison.

I sat for a while longer until I could no longer hold it in. Jumping from my bed in one swift, almighty rush, I ran over to the small toilet in the corner of the cell and threw up. I stood over that toilet for what felt like hours, heaving and trying to get my breath back.  The food we had last night was disgusting, but I didn't think it was bad enough to do that.
"Hey Han, um are you alright?" Alison's voice sounded from the door

"What does it matter to you? Huh? You're the reason that I'm stuck here in the first place... I know that your life was messed up and all, but why do you have to ruin mine, and everyone else's that I care about. You know, when you came back, I was so happy, I thought that maybe you had changed and that you were no longer a total bitch. But boy was I wrong, you're back and even worse then before. You should've stayed dead." I snapped.

Don't get me wrong, as I saw Allison's face fall, and tears well up in her eyes, I did begin feel bad. But after everything she had done to me, and to everyone around her, she needed to hear it from someone. Those text messages almost ruined me, I missed out on a normal senior year because of her. I stared at the floor and walked away from the toilet, dragging my feet along the floor to listen to the almost rhythmic sound. As I sat on my bed, I stared at Alison. She had tears running down her face and her eyes were going red and puffy. She looked like an absolute mess, but right now, I couldn't care less.

Alison's POV
Hearing what Hanna had to say to me crushed me. It was as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest and shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. Maybe what she said was true, maybe I was being beyond a bitch... but she needed to know my reasoning. I hadn't meant for it to turn out like this, my only wish was that one day, Hanna would be free with her family. With Caleb, and her mum, and maybe even her children if she decided to have them.

"Look Han, I'm really sorry but I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. I may have been A, but there are many different A's. I just so happened to be the lowest on the rankings, the one who was to be sacrificed if anyone was going to be caught."

The silence was deafening. Not even a sigh or a grunt or anything. I wished she would turn around and yell again, voice her feelings and anger towards me. But nothing happened. The room remained silent.

"Hanna I just want to talk to you... we are going to be stuck here for a while so you may as well get used to it... I'm sorry... please just forgive me"

She sighed heavily before beginning her sentence.

"Alison, you put me through hell, you ruined my life and most likely my future. I've been trying really hard to come up with reasons to forgive you, and believe me, I want to. But I just don't know how. I don't know how to move past the fact that you pretended to die, let us think you were dead for years on end and then came back and pretended to be my bestie, all while you were threatening us anonymously"

"Hanna I'm sorry b-"
I was interrupted by the voice of a prison guard at our door.

"Ladies, I don't mean to interrupt this little conversation, but lunch is ready"

We both stood up, our old beds yet again creaking. As we walked out the door for lunch,I realised that I was going to have to work a lot harder if I wanted Hanna to forgive me. I knew it would take time... but how much time did she need? Because I'm not sure how long I can wait.


Hey guys! Sorry for the super slow start. This is my first ever story and I have so many ideas. It may take a while to get started but I'm hoping that it will be good :)
Please keep reading and comment and any ideas/suggestions for my story😊

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