17 Years for you

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         (Listen to the song while reading this chapter to get the full affect of her mindset)

           She was Cookie's sister and she had spent 17 years in jail so her sister wouldn't have to. Cookie had gotten caught up with her boyfriend's drama.... again. And this time she had taken her sister with her. When the police came to collect Cookie and Lucious, her sister stepped in.  She had seen what their father's death had do to Carol and Constance and she did want them to lose Cookie too. She had always been the outsider, so maybe this time she could do something good for her sisters.

         But after all heros usually only ever get noticed in books. Even after all she did, none of her sisters had visited her. After all these years, and she was still alone. She didn't see her sisters after her trial. In fact, she hadn't seen anyone since then. She had been only 19 child when she had gone in. And now here she was, a 36 year old woman. And still she was alone.

        She had given up everything for someone who didn't give a damn about her. She had spent her whole life in a sell, experiencing things a person her age should never have to. There were many times she thought about taking her life and ending it all, cause that would be easier. But the hope that her sister still cared and would come visit her soon kept her going. Even if it was false. Unfortunately for her that never happened.

         But that's okay cause she only had 2 more weeks in this hell hole, after that.... momma was coming home.
               And hell there was gonna be hell to pay.

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