Chapter 9

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Dyamond POV

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Dyamond POV

I remember a time when all I would see the spars of broken cigarette lighters and crushed crack pipes on the pavement of concrete of inner city Spanish area of Los Angeles, thinking my life would be similar to the way I grew up. Seeing junkies begging for a dollar just to get a hit. Senior year of high had to be the worst year growing up. The hood was all I knew. Memories of Lolo and I being seniors in high school, cutting class to get high. Times like those were stress free until I crossed the threshold of my mothers home. My mother and I had the best relationship until I was 11 and she met Domino, a drug dealing mechanic. He and my mother soon became attached at the hip and over a while he became my mother's first priority and I became nonexistent. I remember coming home after school and finding my mother passed out over while over the kitchen table after having a morning crack binge, leaving me to always be in the attention of Domino. I never really became too fond of Domino, he always had this dark vibe to his persona. I was always thankful my grandmother showed up 20 minutes after I got home from to go to her house. My grandmother, Mama Ritã was my life saver, especially since my mother started dating Domino. Mama Ritã could not stand Domino, she quickly became my mother figure from there on out. Eventually I migrated from living with my mother to staying at Mama Ritã. One night summer night a month before I was starting junior year of high, we received a call that my mother was admitted to the hospital, she had been in a domestic violence altercation and she slipped into a coma. I stayed at my mother's side for the rest of the summer. My mother's coma state remained unchanged with no progress for three months and doctors were encouraging us to pull the plug on my moms. I buried my mother a week before my 17th birthday. My mother's passing brought out a different level of hate I developed for my mother. Why did she put Domino before me in her life? Why did she choose him over me? After my mother's death, Domino  was arrested and sent to Prison for 30 years. I finally found peace. Mama Ritã was with me until I made 21, leaving in the world by myself. See I didn't know my father because my mom met him in college and never heard from him again and I was all my mother had. I often think about how life would've been if she hadn't met Domino, she would still be my mommy. When I found out I was pregnant with Nayeli, I was more than happy. I was going to have someone with me for the rest of my life and that person was going to love me forever. Now that I have Dave and Lyric, I found love two times over. My family was expanding beautifully. From it just being me to me and Nayeli to Dave, Lyric, Nayeli and I. Life was finally on my side of favor.

Hey y'all I'm back sorry it took me forever to put this chapter out. I just been going through a lot while visiting my parents in Louisiana. Thursday, July 6th, my cousin was killed by a sheriff in my hometown. My unarmed cousin was taken from his kids and his family. I hate that my cousin in another hashtag but please share my cousin's story. I love you DeJuan, may your sweet soul Rest In Peace 👼🏽#JusticeForDejuan

 I love you DeJuan, may your sweet soul Rest In Peace 👼🏽#JusticeForDejuan

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Thanks for rocking with me y'all 😢

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