About me -Bryce

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Name: Bryce Carter


Status: Single and not ready to mingle yet

Sexuality: Bi... I love the ladies and the men but I'm not just going to sleep with you first chance, I'm a gentle man and I take my time when I'm involved in someone.

Instrument: Drummer. And baby do we bang harder then anyone else let me tell you ;)

Well I'm Bryce I'm the more level headed member of the group I know when to have fun and be serious. Me and our Singer Andy bump heads alot but I respect the guy and would hate to see him get introuble. I care about people alot and how they feel. I enjoy music and playing the drums.

I'm funny and very sarcastic and sassy but that's what makes me, me. I'll never ask you to be someone you aren't so just be real with me. I love hugs and giving piggy back rides. I like to think of myself as a great dancer but I'm probably the worst but ill get you to crack a smile without a doubt.

I'm the kind of guy that likes to get to know you before I make a move. I haven't had a serious relationship in a while because well I like to keep my grades up. I take advanced classes so that means if you marry me you'll be set for life ;) but baby don't take my money when I'm in need man he's a trifling friend indeed whoa he's a gold digger. Sorry got way off topic but pm me feel free if you want to vent or just a friendly chat

*twerks for you and smiles* This is all for you my money maker.

Oh and I love to sing but I'm not very good so humor me if I start to sing like I'm a boss ass bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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