Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I decided to go for a jog before I had to shower. I jogged around the housing development where my mom lives. I stopped in the same place where Sam was trying to tell me about him being a wolf when I spotted something in the trees. I began to run again, but faster than I was before.

I got onto my mother’s road; I checked my jacket pockets ‘shit, I forgot my phone’. I hurry up to my mom’s house when I saw something in the wooded area right behind my mom’s house. I run into the house and grab the phone; dialing Sam’s number I went into the basement so I could get a good five minutes in before anyone came looking for me knowing I was home.

Ring after ring ‘Sam, pick up the phone’ then he answered “Hello?” I heard footsteps above me. “Sam, that guy is back. No, the wolf; the one you told me about…” He paused and I heard a growl from his throat. “No, everyone went around before we came to check for his scent.” I was shaking badly “No, he is here. I went for a jog before I took a shower. He is here Sam!” I heard a click on the other line; I didn’t know what to do.

I went upstairs before the girls found me and knew what I was doing. I went into the shower, hoping it wouldn’t only wash my sweatiness off but also my thoughts. The girls were already to go when I was done. All their makeup was on, their hair was pulled back into curls like I had it last night, and they had their brides maids sweat pants on.

They dried my hair and began to curl it. One put my make up on, and other one was writing my vows as I said them out loud. My mother and Bella were packing up the car, while we finished the last touches on me. In two hours I will be married, I couldn’t believe it. It was all a dream, the whole thing was a dream since the day I laid eyes on Sam.

Pulling into the venue, I look around and we’re the only car besides the vendors. I was getting married at a beautiful place. The wedding was inside, but the reception was outside underneath the trees. We were directed to a large room know as the “East wing gathering room” but it was just another room to me. One by one we joked around about the old days, Bella was going around getting attention from everyone and my mother was laughing along with us.

A lady walks into the room “Hi, I am the photographer. Was hoping to get a few shots of everyone getting…” She was cut off by my mom “Oh goodness girls! We have to get ready now, and help Olivia into her dress. It’s in thirty minutes.” They all began to scramble, as the photographer blended into the hectic room taking pictures of everyone and everything. I still sat there watching everyone, laughing when someone tripped or fell.

Wow, fifteen minutes and they were all in their red gowns, they came up to their knees with white heels. I gave them all a necklace with BM on it standing for ‘Bride’s Maids” which they all loved. Bella was in her red and white dress holding her basket that was empty “Mommy, where are my flowers?” I laughed, “You will get them right before we go out okay baby?” She skipped around the room as everyone got me ready. My dress still fit like it did when I tried it on, a veil was placed on my head, and my hair was tossed around into place. I felt like a queen, with a director of the wedding came in to assure us all the quest were here, seating and the men were ready to go.

My hands got sweaty again, this was it. One by one everyone came out of the room, walking into the middle of the building where the doors opened with a loud bang. A pianist and orchestra were playing music as they each walked down the aisle. Nobody was near me when I heard a whimper down the hallway. Bella had just walked in and as soon as she was down the aisle I was suppose to walk. The aisle was pretty long when I came here so I quickly walked over to where I heard the noise.

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