Plane Ride

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Me, Henley, and Merritt were sitting in the back of the plane talking. We were onto our next show and I was really excited because I got to do a part with Jack.

"Allow me to make playing to what we've all been thinking"
Merritt said

"What's that?" Henley asked as we both looked at Merritt

"Well obviously you have feelings for Danny" Merritt said

"Ha!" I said pointing at Henley as she sunk into her seat

"And you have feelings for Jack" Merritt said

A smile arose on Henleys face, "Ha" She said quieter than me and more civil

"Both of your feelings unrequited, misguided all to their lack of emotional availability"
Merritt said

Henley tilted her head, "Are they both looking?" I asked

"Yep" Henley said

I wanted to turn around and see their faces and laugh but I didn't.

"Seeing that you both have physical needs that haven't been met yet" Merritt said

I put my hand sup in surrender, "I'm out. Talk about her and Danny" I said

I really don't need someone telling me what I want from someone else.

"Now, helping a sister out"
Merritt continued still talking about my love life, "Think of me as your own personal... horseshoe"

"Wow thanks" Henley said

"Yeah" I said, "Let me mull over that offer of your meaningless sex and-"

"Meaningless, maybe, but not time consuming" Merritt said smiling

Me and Henley both laughed as Merritt smirked at us which made me laugh even more. Me, Henley, and Merritt kept laughing at things he said and I knew Danny and Jack were still looking at us.

"Hey guys" Danny said

I turned around seeing him looking very jealous, and between him I see Jack just looking.

"Um, we got a show to prepare for" Danny said looking at Henley

Merritt got up, "Oh, do we"

"No, no, no! You are not doing that trick on me" Danny said

"What thing? I'm just looking at ya"
Merritt said

"No you're not" Danny said, "I've been watching you for a year. I know your little tricks"

I looked at Henley, "Someone's got a jealous boyfriend"

"And someone needs to watch their little mouth before it gets cut off"
Henley said

Me and Henley got up, "If it's such an easy thing why don't you do Henley" Merritt said

"Yeah Danny, do me" Henley said

Is it just me or did that sound very sexual.

"Nah you're too easy. I'll do Jasmine" Danny said

"No" Tressler said from the background, "Do me"

We all walked over to Arthur and I stood next to Jack leaning on his shoulder and Henley grinned. I swear I am this close to punching her. Danny tried to do it but failed miserably.

"Alright, let me try" Jack said

"Yeah, let him do it. He's way better than you" I said patting Jack on the shoulder

He looked at me and tried to hide a smile, but failed as Danny tried again but again failed horribly.

"I hope tonight's show will be better than this" Tressler said and I gave a slight laugh

"Just you wait" Danny said

After he said that the plane turned sideways and the people that were standing were thrown against wall. Me being the most unlucky girl that I am when I landed on the window Jack fell on me. I looked at him as he looked at me holding his arms beside me so he wouldn't fall into me.


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