Pov chapter.

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Nirvanas pov

I couldn't believe these rumors. Shawn hasn't talked to me in almost a month and I still don't know if we are dating. I put on some shorts with a jersey crop top and headed to Vanessa house. I've been a wreck lately. I don't know who I am recently.
Just Shawn stops talking to me and he's with Camila? Thanks for the heads up. Shawn was the first boy I truly fell in love with, how can he do that?!
I finally got to Vanessa house and I knocked. She opened the door and hugged me immediately. I cried.
I looked behind her and seen the jacks, Nash and Matthew. They all came up to me and hugged me. I hugged them back but they all reminded me of Shawn.
"Listen if you want talk to us about Shawn we will listen"
"Just how can he do that to me?! Like without any warnings he just stopped talking to me" I said
"Camila and Shawn are best frie-" I interrupted Nash
"Doesn't mean anything Nash! I am his girlfriend!" I yelled
"Or atleast I think I am" I said a little low
"Does everyone know?"
"In worldwide.. yes they do"
"Did any of you guys know?" I seen Nash raise his hand. Then Matthew then gilinsky. I looked at Johnson and he shook his head no.
"So all of you knew and didn't tell me" I scoffed
"We didn't think it would be serious" they defended
"You still knew tho you guys" I said crying
"You guys honestly don't know how much pain Shawn has caused me. I loved the kid but yet he had the audacity to break my heart like every one else in my life. Vanessa was there to comfort me for who knows how many times. I fell hard for Shawn and you guys still kept your mouth quiet. But I bet you, if any of you guys found out I was seeing another guy you would run to Shawn wouldn't you" I laughed while crying
"Nirva-" I stepped back
"Dont nirvana me Nash, I'm disappointed and hurt by all of you. I know this isn't you guys but the friendship you guys have with Shawn made you keep quiet" I shook my head
I grabbed my bag and turned around to see the one and only Shawn.
"Nirvana bab-"
"Don't even say it Shawn" I said and pushed past him.
He grabbed my arm
"I swear Shawn peter Raul mendes if you don't let go" he let go.
I left the house and headed back home. Just can't this day get any worse?
I pulled up into my driveway and just sat in my car for a little. Then I just cried, why does Shawn have so much affect on me?
I only knew him for a couple months. Shawns famous. I'm not, I'm no where near perfect for him. His ideal of perfect is some like Camila.
Someone who can sing so so good and is pretty and rich and knows what fame is. That's his perfect.
Yet I'm a city girl who lives in a house. Alone with no parents who supply for me and everyone I loved backstabbed me.
This is meaning of life.

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