don't you forget....

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*lexis pov*

As the intercom beeps to call me down to the office I say my last words to my friends. I'm going to miss them so much...especially kellin and Tatiana. they are the neatest friends I could ever ask for.

we're in a group hug along with the rest of my close friends and we say our last goodbyes. ms. McGovern said Tatiana can walk me down.

we leave the room and hold hands. we both start crying and silently walk down the hallway to the stairs. I'm going to miss buzz aldrin elementary and my friends so much.

"I'm going to miss you so much Lexi...." Tatiana sniffles "I'm going to miss you to..." I silently reply and give her a weak smile.

we walk down the stairs continuing to hold hands. I see my mom in the office waiting for me. we make it to the horrifying room and hug one last time and my mom then takes my hand and we slowly walk out the door.

seconds after we get in the car I throw a big fit hoping it works but obviously it doesn't sadly :c. my mom just says "shut the hell up" I frown and silently cry.

is it bad that I secretly have a huge crush on kellin? I never told him or showed it because we're in 2nd grade but I'm never going to see him again...I kinda wish I said something though.

anyways we just got to my house and I go to the bathroom and hug my cat, Finn. he always makes me happy when I'm sad. my family packs the last of our things and now were off to South Carolina....ew even the name sounds bad....

*kellins pov.*

god I'm so happy Lexi is gone, she was sooo annoying and my mom made me hangout with her. we played Pokemon and are popcorn but I hated it so much because she bugs me so much at school like no go away.

I mean I have legit reasons why...she's always all over me and eats all the popcorn. she also plays Pokemon to much.

I go back to paying attention in class. ew I hate it so much. we're reading the A-Z mysteries books. god ms. McGovern thinks we like them but we really don't.

asi slowly zone out Lexi comes to my mind. like ughh why she's just so ugly and annoying. she needs to like go away and never come back. not only physically but mentally in my mind......

A/N how do y'all like it? I think this might be pretty good c: anyways...byee

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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