Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was already the next day. I couldn't get my mind off the letter.

'I'm going to see her again' those words were running through my head and I smiled every time

Then I heard my and other cells open.

"Get moving!" A guard yelled at me the guards here were assholes

So I stood up started to leave. When I got out my cell I immediately saw Garcia and she smiled at me so I did the same

"Hey Ramos" she smiled while walking towards me

"No talking until you're in the cafeteria inmates!" The guard yelled

"Ok pinche puto" I whispered and he gave me a stern look

Then he lead us to the cafeteria.

After I grabbed my breakfast I went to sit down on a table and waited for Garcia. Then a minutes later she made her way towards the table I was sitting on and sat in front of me.

"So tell me about Litchfield" Garcia asked breaking the silence

"It's shit. But I hav- had a special person in there with me so that makes it less shitty. Also my familia was in there too" I answered

"Ohh a special person uh? Who is it?" Garcia asked

"My best friend Flaca" I smiled right after I said her name

"Mm just a friend uh?" Garcia said with a smirk

"I- well we kissed-"

"Damn! How was it?" Garcia cut me off

"If you didn't interrupted me I would've told you but anyways it was amazing. I can still feel her lips on mine" I smiled at the memory

"Someone is in love" Garcia smiled

"I'm not" I said in denial

"Mmmm sure" Camila said

"Anyways tell me about you"

"What do you want to know" Garcia asked

"Why are you in prison"

"I killed my father" she mumbled and my eyes opened wide

"Why" I went on

"He was an abusive piece of shit. He was beating my mom and I couldn't just stand there and watch that night. I stabbed him 10 times. I was 13 at the time now I'm 23" Garcia muttered

"That was self den-"

"Well the court doesn't give a shit about that. I'm not trying to justify murder but I did the RIGHT thing" she snapped "shit I'm sorry"

"It's fine. So how many years do you have left?"

"Like 23 years more" Garcia scoffed and we both remained quiet

Not even a minute after a fight broke out between two inmates and I rolled my eyes

"Pinches Perra" I whispered and Garcia let out a small laugh

Then we just sat there in a comfortable silence. Then I started to think about Flaca. I miss her laugh her smile her touch and I miss seeing her.

So we got a little background of Garcia aka Camila. Next chapter is going to be a time jump(1month). Also this was kinda rush sorry for any typos.

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