The Young Witch Training Program

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I woke to a woman suit sitting beside my bed, three men all dressed in matching, crisp, black suits stood around the room. What is this? The Matrix? I thought as I sat up. "Who are you?" I asked trying to stay as calm as possible.

"I'm Samantha Brewster. You can call me Sam." she said. She didn't look much older than me, maybe a year or two. She stood. "I'm with the YWTP, I have been ordered to bring you back to the Blackstone Campus for training." She said shaking her Chesnutt brown hair from her eyes.

"What's the YWTP? And what am I training for?" I asked ready to take out the men guarding the door.

"The Young Witch Training Program, and you are training for your life as a witch. Also, you would not be able to take out my guards because" she snapped her fingers "there are no guards."

"Okay, number one coolest trick ever, and number two I'm not a witch."

"You've got a lot too learn kid." she said as she stood. "Let's go."

We left after I pack all my bags. "What about all my stuff?" 

"It will be packed up and shipped to the campus. Come on we have to hurry I want you too meet your peers before training begins tomorrow."

"Will I have a schedule or something?"

"Yes, here it is." she said handing me a lightly rumpled peace of paper. 

Class                                    Room               Period               Teacher 

Combat Training                 Gym 1                1st                 H. Dracko

Spell  Training                       823                   2nd                G. Freidman

Lunch                                     N/A                   3rd                 N/A

Element Training                   827                   4th                  M. Holmes 

"Why is this so short?" I asked flipping the paper over to see if there was anything else on the back.

"We like to give are students free time. It helps them focus on there training." she said as I zipped last my bag of clothes. We loaded them up in the car and left my house. I didn't live with my parents. They were to controlling and they said if I didn't like their rules I could move out. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad kid, I just didn't like that I couldn't have friends over, date guys, or play my music out loud. I moved into a abandon warehouse. No one was using it. I didn't have to pay rent.

We arrived at the campus after a short ride from my house. "What about school? Don't you have to take me out?"

"We work like a school even though we don't teach traditional subjects. Your old school has been notified and has faxed over the paper work. You have already been enrolled here. Isn't it great?"

"Why am I even here? I'm not a witch."

"Powers stay dormant until the exact time you were born on your sixteenth birthday. The training campus nearest to the young witch is notified days in advance, and if I'm not mistaken you have exactly an hour and seven minutes until your powers show. Oh, I remember my change. It's wonderful. There's this amazing rush of power and then your mark shows." she said undoing one of the buttons on her shirt and pulling it back to show a small symbol, about the size of my palm, that bares resemblance to a spider. It was a black, lanky, beautiful spider. She tugged at the bun on her head. This was the first time I noticed it wasn't chesnutt it was a deep blue. I looked back at Samantha to see not only her hair had changed, but she changed entirely. Her noes had a silver ring through it. She wore black shorts and a red shirt with some sort of logo on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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