Part One

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"Oh if you only knew,
What we've been up to,
I guarantee you'd keep it secret,
So give it to me now, we're lost in a dream now,
Do it (5-4-3-2) one more time


It was an early Friday night, and college student Mikaela Shindo was what you could call stressed.

With his year end exam slowly approaching, Mika was spending every spare minute studying.

If he thought that high school exams were intense, then college exams were like master mode on DDR.

Surrounded by his many strewn textbooks and and class notes, he finally snapped from stress.

'Ok, thats it, I need to clean this room. Right now.'

Half of Mika was screaming at him to keep studying, to keep cramming knowledge that he'd forget in a week's time into his brain.

The other, more reasonable side of Mika was telling him that he couldn't study in such a disastrous environment.

Eventually the second half of Mika won, and he got up from his cocoon of blankets on the floor and began to clean.

About three quarters way through cleaning, his roommate, Kimizuki walked through the door to quite the sight.

There Mika was, in all his cleaning glory, screaming the lyrics to Bring me to Life with his long-sleeved shirt tied around his forehead to act as a headband.

"Mika, what are you doing?" Kimizuki said as he walked over to his side of the room.

As it appeared that Mika couldn't hear him, Kimizuki tried again.


That really got Mika's attention.

Startled, the blonde whirled around with a small scream while desperately trying to turn off the music.

"UM, NOTHING!  JUST CLEANING, Y'KNOW?"  Mika replied, still screaming even though the music was turned off.

Kimizuki just shook his head and wondered what he had done in a past life to get stuck with such an idiot of a roomate.

"As much as I'm enjoying seeing you embarrass yourself, I think its time we relax for a bit. We're going to a club." Kimizuki said, already feeling the need for a drink itching the back of his brain.

"But Zucchini," (Mika's nickname for Kimizuki,) "I need to study. Exams are already next month." Mika tried to reason.

Despite Mika's messiness and lack of organizational skills, he was quite the diligent student.

With an 85-100 in every class, the blonde was determined to keep his grades in a good state, especially after exams.

It was clear that Kimizuki was dead set on going out, even with Mika's intent to stay home and study.

"Mika, grab your things. We're leaving now." Kimizuki said, deciding to completely ignore Mika's pleas.

The two went downstairs, and Kimizuki hailed a taxi.

Guessing how their evenings were going to go, Kimizuki didn't think either of them were going to be needing a car after.

The pair got into the cab, and Kimizuki told the driver where they were going.

Mika didn't recognize the name of the bar, but when Kimizuki told the driver where to go, he just chuckled and told the two to have fun.

The drive was short, only about five minutes, and they arrived at the club.

"Thanks, have a good night." Mika told the driver as he gave him the money.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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