Unknowing Hive.

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So many people love to claim that they're dark, mysterious or different. They boast having darker thoughts than others, being so unique and misunderstood. You love to say how different you are, how secretly you're violent or you have urges, maybe you even wanna claim to be not human while you're there. Yes, of course, how could I not see, what you're saying is all true? Of course, you, just one out of hundreds, thousands, millions claiming these things is telling the truth and is different, you're not like anyone else, are you? You're right, you must be even more ignorant to think that.

What makes you think you're darker than anyone else? Because you say you're so insane/depressed/dark/violent/angry/suppressed/anxious? Perhaps you need a wake up call, but I must say this isn't it, this is just a sigh of words. You can have a mental disorder, that doesn't make you insane, your grip on reality is firm, and no, don't start saying it's not, because you don't know when it isn't.

You must think you're so special when you parade around like that, singing a song of "Look at me, Look at me~ I'm so very different~". You're not different, we're all the same. Every single last one, none of us are special, none of us are unique. We're all the same. That doesn't really matter, though, does it? That you're the same as your neighbours, or coworkers/classmates, the same as someone another state over. Because whatever you feel about that or how you choose to accept that doesn't matter, because when it gets down to it, you're insignificant in the long run. A hundred years from now no one will know who you were, no one will remember you, unless of course they're your descendents, and that's only a possibility, isn't it? When you die, the world won't stop, people the other side of town mightn't even know, they probably don't even know who you are.

Because you're just one of millions, just like every other person here. We're just like bees, we go around, all looking the same, minor differences, yes, but really that's just the colour palette, nothing special about that. We go around doing tiny insignificant tasks that are really the same when it gets down to it. We go here and there, interact with each other, but none of us really effect the Hive individually, do we? What makes you different, nothing? Exactly. We are all the same. The sooner we accept that the easier it'll be, because when it doesn't matter in the long run, what really stops us from doing something we love or that makes us special, some things, but not that much. We're insignificant, we won't be remembered, yes, but all the more reason to attempt to make yourself memorable, it won't work, but maybe we can all do something we love if we just stop thinking about it so much.

We're all the same, yes. But that doesn't matter. Let that be your motivator, realize, that if we're the same, what's stopping us. So go along, little bee. Buzz around in your Hive, filled with other little bees just like you, who don't seem to notice at all what they are. Go along and play in your Unknowing Hive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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