8th Grade Graduation Speech

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"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." was something said by Mark Twain. This shows us that we don't only learn things in school; it's just a head start. As we look back over our years here, we see our mistakes and things we wish we could change. We also see all the things that we are glad we did and hope to never forget. I bet we all remember that first day as we pushed our way up to the chalkboards so we could see our first class. Many kids frantically looked around for someone they knew. Most of us weren't lucky and all we saw were unfamiliar faces. In seventh grade, we all looked forward to those last few days of school where we could come to school out of uniform. In eighth grade, we waited for this day, the day where we would see all of our accomplishments. Through all of the years, we waited for summer. Though we may think we want to leave, as soon as we are gone we will miss our time here. We have all changed through the years, in ways either indescribable, or personal. We have made many memories here, some that we will forget; others that will last us a lifetime. School isn't just about learning math, science, history, or English. It's about learning life skills. Things like, everyone makes mistakes, but we have to learn to forgive and forget. We learn how to be ourselves, and not to be afraid to stand out. We learn how to stand up in front of people and say what we really mean to say. We learn how to move on. And now, we are ready to move on.

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