She is a Yankee...He is a Brainy 1st Battle

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Author's note:

First;y, I would like to dedicate this to...


Thank you for giving me a suggestion into making this story on a "novel form"

I hope you would find time reading this and you will like this!!!

Thank you again!!! ^_^

Allysa’s POV













“Let the battle begins!!!” the man’s voice covers the whole area where I am now standing. Next, there goes the sound of the “bullet shot” indicating that the match is now starting. And here I am now, standing in this wide field to fight the guy who’s right in front of me. He moves fast and now he’s holding my arms. But, I’m not that weak…

It’s his fault holding my arms. Now, he’s lying on the ground coughing. I need to finish this soon because I still have my class at 7:00 in the morning. I look at my watch and sees it’s already quarter to seven. Fifteen minutes to go before the school bell’s rings. I kicked the guy’s face and leave him still lying on the ground and waits for the signal…

“The winner is Athena!” the man’s voice covers the whole area with loud cheers saying, “Athena!!!” many times. I wave at them and immediately grab my bag which is lying on the ground and run away to school. I still need to change into my uniform. “Argh! I didn’t even want to fight in the daylight!” I say while running feeling annoyed by the fact that this is the first time I’ve fought in the morning where the sun is still shining. In the past, I always fight people at night where no one can recognize my face because it’s dark. But Hazelie, my best friend, requested me to take revenge for her that I can’t refuse.

I enter a public restroom to change. But first, I need to look around if there’s someone inside. The answer is there’s no one inside. “Lucky!” I say to myself. Maybe because, it’s still morning and few people are already awake at this time. I decided to enter a cubicle where I change into my uniform. I wear my uniform properly as the handbook of “Mary Immaculate High School” suggested it. After that, I go out of the cubicle, face the mirror and tie my hair in two braids. Then, I text Hazelie to fetch the clothes I wore in the fight earlier. She arrives and gets the clothes from me. “Thank you…” she said and smiles at me. I look at the bruise on her arms and notices that it’s slowly disappearing. “I need to go now” I say and look at my watch. “Five minutes left!” I exclaimed and hurriedly go outside of the public restroom to the school where the bell will ring in just five minutes. I run with all my might.

James’ POV

As planned, I woke up late. Looking at my alarm clock with the time of 6:55 a.m., I grinned. I get up and open my window to feel the fresh air of morning. And then, I see her. She’s the girl who’s loved by most teachers and my school’s number one nerd. Allysa Mercado. She seems to be in a hurry running at the speed of light that I can’t even believe if it’s really her. “Why is she in a hurry?” I wonder and realize that it’s just five minutes before the school’s bell rings. Meaning, her perfect no late record might be ruined. “Well she can’t make it” I said to myself calculating the distance of my home from school. “She can’t reach the school with just five minutes” I say to myself and go in the bathroom to take a bath.

Exactly 15 minutes, I finished taking a bath. Now, I’m putting gel in my hair to make it spiky because I hate my hair being just plain wavy. I wear my uniform improperly to look cool. I don’t button my polo and let my black T-shirt be seen. I get my bag which is hanging at the doorknob of my door and opens the door to go to school.

When I reached the classroom, the first subject is already finished. Why? Because I walked so slowly greeting every girl I met on the way asking their numbers. But, I can’t believe what my best friend, Jason told me. Allysa is in the room from the first period and not even late according to him. “She came in the room just 1 minute before the class starts and hurriedly sat on her chair as if nothing happened, as if she’s not in the brink of being late” Jason says to me. “How can that happen?” I ask myself that Jason thinks I’m asking him so he answers, “I don’t know, the teacher didn’t even notice it because she acts the same” and then, he shrugs. I sit on my seat which in between the window and Allysa who is seating so calmly. The second class stars and even though I’m not sleepy I pretend to sleep.

Allyssa’s POV

My seat is beside the class’ number 1 problem student, James. I don’t hate him but I can’t help feeling annoyed that he’s now sleeping again in class even if he just got in here. I ignore him most of the time because I know that he’s such a jerk, playboy, and dangerous. I listen seriously at the teacher and write down notes which I usually do here in school. You can’t believe it? Well, I can’t force you to believe that a girl who’s just fighting earlier and beat up a guy is now studying seriously like a nerd.

The teacher asks a question when someone’s cell phone rings. And I know and the whole class knows whose cell phone it is with the ring tone of a “Rooster’s sound”. It’s James who’s now sleeping soundly letting the ring tone continue ringing making the teacher frustrated. “James! Wake up!!!” The teacher said angrily. I sighed thinking that this scene always happens in our class and were already used to it. I glared at him when he finally woke up.

James’ POV

                I woke up by the sound of my ring tone and the teacher’s loud voice shouting my name. “Here it is, again…my daliy sermon” I thought and sit straight to get ready for the teacher’s sermon but I didn’t expected that someone else will sermon me and she is a girl named Allysa who glares at me as I made eye contact with her. She stands up and says “Why are you like that? Aren’t you ashamed of what you’re doing? Why are you always sleeping in class? Do you know what the “silent function” of the cell phone is? If not, I’ll tell you so that you can use it. And I’m wondering that even if your ringtone is the sound of a rooster, you never wake up without the teacher’s voice shouting! Ugh!” Her voice is so angry and so loud covering the whole room.  I’m shocked and the whole class was shocked for what just happened in front of us. This is the first time she said so many things and shouted. Even the teacher is frozen surprised and can’t believe what just happened.

To be continued…

Author’s note:

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She is a Yankee...He is a Brainy by: Xesnain ♣HIATUS♣Where stories live. Discover now