Chapter Five

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Akura-ou and Takara are walking side by side in town and everyone grew frightened when they saw the demon king himself. He simply enjoyed having people being terrified of him while Takara felt uneasy.

"Why is a woman with him?" A village man asked his wife.

"I don't know... Maybe she is his mate? That's impossible, though... He grows bored with women too easily," his wife answered.

Takara sighed while Akura-ou casually wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a low voice.

"Holding what's mine," he smirked.

"I'm not yours..." Takara frowned.

Akura-ou teasingly dug his claws into her skin gently, which made her squirm.

"We need to get you new kimonos. You have been wearing the same one for days," he sighed.

"I like this kimono, though," Takara said. He has given her this expensive kimono as soon as she started living with him and she hates to admit it, but he really has good taste. She is grateful for this kimono because she never had a nice one before.

"Well, you need more," Akura-ou spoke out, escorting her to a kimono shop.

The shopkeeper immediately freaked when he saw the great Akura-ou but he tried his best to sound calm.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" The shopkeeper's voice cracked.

"I want a couple of kimonos for her and it has to be tight fitting but not too seductive because I don't want anyone else to lust over her," Akura-ou explained.

Takara blushed at Akura-ou's demands while Akura-ou tightened his grip on her. Why is he being possessive over her? He has nothing to worry about, in Takara's opinion.

"This human girl?" The shopkeeper asked confusingly. Why is the demon king wasting his money over a poor village girl? The shopkeeper wondered.

"Did I stutter? Yes, for the human girl!" Akura-ou snapped.

"Alright, follow me, ma'am," the shopkeeper ordered.

Takara followed the shopkeeper in the back while Akura-ou stayed in the front. The shopkeeper began to look for different kimonos for her.

"It's strange to see a woman with him, especially a poor one... Is that how you are being provided? You sleep with him so you can be wealthy?" The shopkeeper snorted.

Takara gasped a little and frowned. Of course, she isn't sleeping with him for his money... He simply took her in and now she is living with him. Yeah, she had sex with him last night but it's not because he's wealthy or that he is strong.

"It's a shame that you are going against our kind. That demon has killed so many innocent people yet you are with him in such a manner." The shopkeeper narrowed his eyes at her.

She didn't want to hear anymore. It was bad that she was with him after he killed all of the villagers in her hometown. She immediately ran back in the front, forcing herself not to cry.

"Akura-ou, I'm not feeling well... Can we go home," she whispered. She tried her hardest to not let her voice crack but her body is trembling.

"What did that man say to you?" He asked sternly.

"Nothing. I don't want to be here anymore... Can we..."

Akura-ou asked again. "What did he say?!"

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