Part 3- Answers?

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      Unable to move for a bit she took this opportunity to escape and slide into the morning sun.

Kagomes pov


     Many questions were on my mind such as, 'why would he do this', and 'does he really love me', well what ever his reasons were I needed some help; Kaede. I rushed to Kaedes house to continue our last conversation, hopefully Inuyasha didn't follow me. I gently lifted the vail to Kaedes not wanting to disturb  her.

"Welcome dear how are,- oh," Kaede greeted but stopped to notice the tears forming in my eyes paired with a thin layer of sweat and dirt on my face. "Was it Inuyasha?" Kaede stated in a firm yet caring way.

"How did you know?" I whispered feeling heat rise to my cheeks remembering my 'encounter' with Inuyasha. 

"I know many more things than you my dear," Kaede boasted emphasizing the word 'things'. I simply stared back at her wanting to know more. "Before I was interrupted last time I was going to speak to you about Inuyasha," I nodded, " Demons go through a ritual called mating season once they find their true mate." Kaede began. 'Mating season' that word sent a shiver down my spine, 'is that why Inuyasha did that to me' I asked myself. But it still didn't make since, why would Inuyasha try that with me if he has Kikyo. "It seems you have some trouble figuring out something?" Kaede asked dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I do, why would Inuyasha do this to me, I mean he has Kikyo right?" I questioned feeling a bit sad inside, I wish Inuyasha loved me; but he probably doesn't. Kaede started laughing at my comment.

"You really are dense aren't you," Kaede laughed. I stated to feel my face burning up with embarrassment. 'HOW AM I DENSE' I screamed inside my mind, but didn't say out loud trying too be polite to Kaede. "You really haven't figured it out yet?" Kaede asked still laughing a bit. What was I supposed to figure out? Inuyasha told me himself told me he chose Kikyo. I stared back at Kaede in defeat. After what felt like minutes of silence she finally spoke, "Inuyasha loves you." My heart skipped a beat, then rapidly sped up. He loves me. A light blush formed on my cheeks and a bright honest smile snuck its way onto my face. 'He loves me' repeated in my head.     

"Oh he loves me is that it, yes it is it." I sang out of my mouth due to the excitement. Kaede cleared her throat snapping me out of my dream land.

"It took you long enough," Kaede cheered with a slight smirk. "But thats not all to this tale, as you know Inuyasha is a half-demon, in result since mating season is strictly a demon thing Inuyashas demon side takes over. This means he will of corse be more rough and not care about human morals." Kaede stated. I started to put the pieces together, the reason they wanted me to leave was because Inuyasha can't control himself; even if he hurts me. I started to feel sad that Inuyasha only did that to me based on instants not out of love. 

"Thanks Kaede I think I know what I must do now." I responded. But that was a lie, I didn't know what to do. However Kaede being as nice as she is fell for it and simply nodded for me to leave. After I left Kaedes hut I ran to the nearest river, as soon as I stopped to look at myself in the water I noticed I was crying. "Huh, I don't need to be crying don't I." I whispered to myself uncontrollably. The tears just wouldn't stop when, "Whats wrong Kagome." A familiar voice spoke to me.........

It was Inuyasha.


Sorry this part was kinda short I really just wanted to continue to the next one ^3^, but anyways hope you have liked the story up until now. As always see you till the next one bye!

Mating Season) Inuyasha x Kagome LemonWhere stories live. Discover now