Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Nadichko Yamata. I am an old experiment of Orochimaru. I don't know what he did to me, all I know is he bit me, and injected me with stuff... Then somehow, he said I can 'Go Free' from which I didn't have to think twice about. I can finally feel the warm breeze flowing through my long blood-red hair.  Breathing in deeply, greedily taking air into my lungs... It felt so good 'I know. It does doesn't it?' the voice in my head says, I nod, "Yeah, It feels so good out here, Nabari" 'Chika, we're free from Orochimaru! How do you feel?' Nabari asked, obviously happy that we're free from his grasp "I feel really good, Nabari. It feels so good to actually feel fresh air going through my lungs, it's amazing, when was the last time I felt the outside world around me?" I asked, 'Hmm, when we were about... 5, I think.. We were much younger' she answered "Why did you say 'we' Nabari? You're probably over a thousand years old.." 'Nice of you to think I'm young' she says sarcastically 'But no, I age with you, dear. When you die, I die with you, or if I wanted, when you die, I be free. But I couldn't imagine life without you, my little dear vessel, you're much to kind for me to leave you!' I could feel Nabari smile within me, I smiled too "Thanks for that. I can't imagine life without you either, I mean, you're the only one who actually speaks to me, without you I'd be lonely.. Please promise you won't leave me..?" I smiled sadly 'I promise to never leave you Nadichko, you're like the daughter I've never had!' she shouted gleefully, I smiled, "Thanks.. But, hmm... Where to go now? I've not been outside that stupid lair for a long time, and I've never been here before...." Oh yeah, we're in a forest, somehow I walked there distracted, talking to Nabari, 'Hmm, I don't know dear, but.. maybe you should rest by a tree, you have been walking for quite a while' I nodded in agreement, and sat down by a tree, leaning against it. "Ahh that's better. My legs were hurting.." 'I know, hun, that's why I wanted you to sit. I don't want you to be sore..' I smiled "Don't worry about me, Nabari!! I'm a soon-to-be Ninja, when I finally find a ninja academy, so I am bound to get hurt sometimes." 'I know, but you're my vessel and my friend, I don't want you hurt' I heard her whine, I laughed "Can I be your daughter, Nabari? I know you're inside me, but I always wanted a mother, and you care for me like a daughter.. So..." I gulped 'Of course, hunny, but.. Only we would know that, I don't want people to hate you for having me inside of you.' I sighed "I know.. But there are bound to be other people like me, right?" 'Yes. There are infact 9 others like you' I grinned "THERE IS?!!" 'Yes. Now, stop talking and relax' I nodded and closed my eyes relaxing my mind, until I felt a presence near me 'Don't worry, they won't hurt you' I nodded and kept my eyes closed, still relaxed. 'They're coming up to you, hun...' "What do they want?" I whispered, 'I don't know, dear, but.. They're almost infront of you, they're coming' She almost sounded.. panicked 'They're ninja!' she exclaimed. I snapped my eyes open "W-What?" I asked her 'They're ninja. 3 children, probably genin, and one adult, probably a junnin.. I think the junnin is the sensei and the kids are his students, they're about 2 years older than you. and...' "And what?" did I mention I can't speak to her in my head yet? ehehe... 'And, the blonde one is a Juuchiriki like you!!' she exclaimed happily, I grinned too, "What do you want?" I asked them, standing up 'Nice confrontation' Nabari says sarcastically "Oh shut up Nabari." ".. Who's Nabari? And, I sensed the presence of you a while ago, and wanted to check it out. What are you doing here?" the junnin said "I....." I started "Nabari what do I do?" I whispered 'Tell the truth, he won't hurt you, I swear' I nodded "I .. I uh, I got away.... from.. a bad person.. Orochimaru..And, I, uh, I ended up here..." I said looking down, 'Good job, this is the first time you've ever spoke to a normal person since you were five.' "But.. Nabari... Aren't you a normal person?" I whispered to her 'No.. I am not, hun. I am a demon, not a person, but don't worry. I will take care of you still' she reassured me "Promise?" I asked her, 'Promise, and you might want to tell them about me, you look crazy.' I laughed at that "Who's Nabari?" the older guy asked, yet again, heh his hair is spikey "Nabari is... uhm... she's.. Uh. She's a demon, she's inside of me, I am the vessel for the ten tails. Don't worry. She's safe. She's like my mother. She loves me. I love her." I smiled, and I can feel Nabari smile too "A demon?!!!!!" the blonde kid shouted, I winced. I heard Nabari growl "It's okay Nabari.. his shouting didn't hurt.. i'm just not used to it..." 'Okay hun.' I then nodded "Yes.. a.. a demon..." the pink haired girl gasped "What's your name?" the silver haired guy said, I gulped "Na--Nadichko Y-Yamata.." 'Calm down, shhh... take a deep breath and calm' I took a deep breath "Who are you four?" I asked, "Well, blondey is Naruto Uzumaki.   Pinkette is Sakura Hurano and Dark haired is Sasuke Uchiha" he pointed to them, I nodded 'UCHIHA?!!' "UCHIHA?!!!" I shouted, the covered my mouth "I.. Oh my god. AN UCHIHA?!!!" I squealed "FINALLY!! I thought they were all gone, thank goodness, I am so happy!!" I put my hand out to Sasuke "Hi Sasuke, I will help you with your quest. I will help you destroy your brother! DON'T SAY YOU DON'T WANT HELP, BECAUSE SCREW YOU I'M HELPING IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, OKAY?!!!" I yelled, grinning 'getting exited now, are we?' Nabari asked, obviously amused, Sasuke stood wide eyed "How do you know about that?" he asked coldly, I froze 'Crap! Abort abort!' Nabari shouted "Uhmm..... I... FUDGE! YOU'RE RIGHT NABARI! LET'S ABORT!!" I ran up the tree 'How the hell did you climb that tree?! No.. RUN UP A TREE?!!' Nabari shouted I shrugged "I DON'T KNOW HOW I DID IT NABARI. BUT OH MY GOD I AM SO HIGH UP!!! I CAN SEE... everything...." I whispered the last part "Everthing...." I mumbled again, sitting down on a branch 'You okay? HUN?!! HUN?!' I did't answer 'NADICHKO ANSWER ME! ARE YOU OKAY?!' I nodded once before jumping down the tree 'Are you stupid?!!'  Nabari yelled, I laded on my feet at the bottom of the tree "Yes. Nabari. I am okay. Yes. I am stupid. I am sorry." 'You better be!' I sighed "Let me start over, I am sorry for that crazy introduction.. But, uh, yeah. Hi Naruto, Hi Sakura... Hi... Sa.--" I couldn't continue "Hi.. Other dude.." I mumbled. "You're coming with us." the silver haired junnin said "Okay, fine, whatever. What's your name?" I asked 'What's with the sudden attitude change?' Nabari asked, I shook my head "I'm Kakashi Hatake." he said simply, I nodded, "Are you these three idiots sensei?" I asked, he nodded, "Cool. I wonder how you manage to handle it. Naruto is a knuckle-head. Sakura is a fangirl. And Sasuke is.. well.. He's Sasuke, the emotionless and cold Uchiha." I said in an emotionless tone "Your judge on character is very... correct... How did you guess that?" he asked me, I shook my head, "Doesn't matter. Should we go now?" I asked, he nodded, "Okay. Come on, gang, let's head out." 

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