Chapter 3

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 I'm making a comment/vote goal again.

I get barely anyone answering the questions so I'm not gonna update until the goal is reached. Sorry guys, I just need more feedback for this to be considered a good book in my opinion.

Question: Who's already anxious for season 4 of Teen Wolf?

We'll start off easy. Goal: 10 votes and 5 comments. (Only one comment per person counts)

<^_^<           >^_^>

"You know, I'm starting not to like this idea. Sounds kinda dangerous. You know what? I definitely don't like this idea." Isaac said pacing back and forth in front of the giant window. I sighed, bringing my hand down where it was holding my head and saying, "and I definitely don't like him." 

"You'll be fine." Derek said from where he was sitting and Isaac stopped and turned our way.

"Does it have to be him?" Isaac asked walking over to stand next to me. We were talking about the plan to get Isaac to remember what happened the night he went missing. He knows something about the Alpha pack and he can't remember because they stole his memories. So now we have to get Peter to help us. I mean it's not like I don't like Pet- wait yeah it is. He just... bothers me.

"He knows how to do it, I don't. It'd be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself."

"You know Scott doesn't like him, right? Personally, well I'd trust Scott." I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face hearing Isaac say he trusted Scott. Isaac used to not trust anyone except me, and know he was finally opening up again. After a long time of coazing him, he finally trusts Scott, who he definitely needs to trust at this point.

"Do you trust me?" Derek asked finally looking up at us and Isaac hesitated for a moment before saying, "yeah... But I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him."

The giant metal door slide open not a second after Derek said that revealing the devil himself, Peter. He stood there looking as cocky as ever as he began walking in saying, "Boys," he glanced at me and I glared, "and Erin. F.Y.I.  coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. SO I hope you're comfortable saying whatever you're feeling staight to my face." 

I walked up to him, looking him in the eye and saying, "we don't like you." I turned around sharply and made my way to sit on the spiral stairs as they began talking again. 

"Now shut up and help us." Derek said standing, satisfied with my answer. Peter gave a nod, "fair enough." He flicked out his claws and motioned for Isaac to sit in the chair. I stood moving to rest against the table next to his chair as I watched closely to the ritual. Isaac was nervous, I could tell from his heartbeat which was beating erratically, and I offered my hand for him to hold, which he gladly took, earning an eyeroll from the two Hale's.

"Relax" Peter said moving to stand behind his chair, "I'll get more out of you if you're calm." 

"How do you know how to do this, again?" 

"It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas," Peter held his claws closer to his neck examining it trying to find a good place, "since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip, and you could paralyze someone... or kill them." Well that's reassuring knowing that Isaac's life was currently in the hands of a former homocidal psycho alpha. "You've had a lot of practice though, right?"

"Well... I've never paralyzed anyone."

"Wait, does that mean that you-" Isaac was cut off by Peter shoving his claws into his neck, both of their eyes shifting to werewolf eyes. Isaac released my hand reaching up to grab at Peter's hand, grunting in pain. My insticts made me reach out to help Isaac but my wrist was seized by Derek and I looked over at him and he shook his head. 

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