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1.     To break, infringe or transgress
2.     To break in upon or disturb rudely; interfere thoughtlessly with
3.     To break through or pass by force or without right
4.     To treat irreverently or disrespectfully; desecrate; profane.

Two weeks ago, while sitting in one of the plush office chairs that Max had requested for her pool house, which housed all of her security, Demi Lovato watched on the shiny Mac screen as someone entered her house at approximately 10:44 pm while she upstairs sleeping, knocked out from medicine that had made her pounding headache go away. The alarm didn't go off because the man who had broken in knew the code, because the stranger with the unkept beard and circle framed glasses had worked for her before, so he wasn't a stranger at all. Because she had trusted said intruder with her life and in turn he broke into her house, wandered around inside of it for six hours, and took a picture of her sleeping until Batman bravely tried to scare him away. And Demi hadn't heard a thing...because she was sleeping. She hadn't slept soundly since.

Every single time she closed her eyes, the only thing she could see was that man standing over her. In theory, nothing had happened to her or any of her belongings. She was safe. Everything in her house was accounted for. And for that, she should be thankful. But how could she be thankful that he hadn't stolen anything when he actually had stolen something? Her peace of mind. Her sense of security in her own house. She hadn't stepped foot inside of her house since the morning after when Trey called the police after they watched the security footage together.

Trey. Before this entire incident she wouldn't have categorized him as boyfriend in the year but through this entire process he's basically been her backbone. And Demi wasn't used to him being like that. She was the strong one. She was the rock. She was the one that held everything up when it just wanted to fall down, but she couldn't do that anymore so Trey was doing it for her. And she felt terrible because she couldn't sleep, he basically had to force her to eat, and she could barely even speak to him because it was like there was a lump in her throat that had permanently lodged itself there and every single time she opened her mouth, she felt as if she was going to cry.

But Trey was patient. He was doting. He held her and kissed her forehead and sang her favorite songs to her when she would wake up in absolute panic from visions of that man standing over her, pushing the covers off of her body, taking pictures of her when she was barely clothed, touching her...she couldn't figure out if she was having a nightmare or recalling a horrid memory. But what was the difference?

Trey scrolled through all of the missed notifications on Demi's iPhone and released a deep sigh. It had been two weeks since everything happened and last night was the first night that she had turned her phone back on. She didn't actually get around to responding to all of her notifications and the frantic texts from concerned friends and family, but turning it on was the first step so Trey was proud of her. He just didn't want her to wake up yet. In the past two weeks, last night was the first time that she had actually slept all the way through the night without waking up in trembling fear from nightmares. So, he was going to let her sleep as long as possible. She needed it.

With a few more texts from Eddie and another crying voicemail from Kris, Trey decided to send out a mass text so everyone knew that Demi would probably be out of commission for a while, just something simple that would ease everyone's minds because he knew that they were all worried about her considering the fact that she hadn't been seen out in public in two weeks, and she wasn't answering her phone.

It's Trey. Yes, what you saw on TMZ is true. There was a break in at Demi's place two weeks ago. The police haven't found the guy but Demi did recognize him on her security cameras. As you can guess, Demi isn't feeling the best right now and she hasn't left the house so I don't know when she's gonna feel comfortable seeing people. I'll ask her about it when she wakes up. I doubt she'll keep her phone on so if you need something, don't be afraid to call or text me.

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