Part 3

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Things got harder because I couldn't tell what I wanted or  she wanted and at the time I didn't want to know either because I couldn't  feel anything my parents were constantly yelling at me  when I walked into the door and school didn't make it better there was so much going on  i rode the bus because i didn't want my brother to take me and then I meant up with Kotta in our spot by the door and Iris came up and looked down at me and kissed my forehead and then I screamed oh but not quietly in the inside like I did it out loud she herd it her girlfriend herd it everyone did it was kinda awkward not for her she still talked to me but it was weird to me because she did that and I didn't feel anything but I didn't know what to feel and I mean I liked her but it wasn't like I don't know its just I think I waited to long and I gave up on it because I thought she didn't like me but then she started hugging me and flirting with me and what not and in  sixth period health I asked her if she broke up with her girlfriend and she said no and  I was like well you should and its not like I  was wrong you shouldn't do that but then again she her girlfriend wasn't the jealous type and it was thanksgiving break so I was at my moms house which was cool because I could call Kotta after school and tell her all about it  but no when I got there she was grounded or something so she couldn't talk and yeah whatever and she couldn't come over either so yeah a couple days pasted by and nothing.......and one day I asked Iris if she wanted to come over she said she couldn't because her mom said it was to late and I said okay and about twenty minuets I got a message from her saying I can come over and I asked is your mom there and she said no and I said "......." and she said its fine get over here and I said okay so my mom took me over there and I went into her house and to her living room and her little sister was in there and she woke up from sleeping and I was like"What happens if she tell's your mom?" and she started laughing and then  I said  "what" with question and she said "Aria she's two she cant talk" and we both started to laugh and we walked upstairs and she showed me her room and we went to another room and then she told me to sit on the bed with her and she opened her arms and I was like okay then so I sat at the corner of the bed and then she started talking to me and she told me she broke up with her girlfriend and I acted really surprised I Asked "why?" and she said "because I didn't like her that much plus we barley talked." and I asked her "what did you say " and she told me that she said " she just didn't think it was going to work" and i stopped talking for a little while and asked what her now to be ex girlfriend said and then Iris told me that her ex just said that she agreed with me and then we both went back down stairs and then Kotta called me and then she asked me what up and I said "oh nothing much im just at Iris's house." she said oh why and i said"because I feel like it " and iris looked at me and asked"who is that" I SAID "Kotta" and she said "oh" then after that I told kotta I needed to talk to her and she said about what and I said something and she told me well asked me "did you kiss her " and  I  said "uh no but I wish." and Iris looked at me really weird and she was like wtf I saw it on her face I told kotta I would call her back latter but I had to go and she said okay and then me and Iris just scrolled through Instagram feed and then my mom texted me and said she was on her way and I told Iris and she looked okay and then I told her that I would talk to her later and she said okay and that was basically my whole thanksgiving break with her .

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