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An hour and a half. That's how long she had been sat there, her legs dangling freely off the edge of the cliff. Nyssa no longer felt the anger that raged through her earlier that day, now all she felt was guilt. Towards Scarlett, towards her teachers, towards her parents.

Her parents.

They had tried calling her half an hour after she had bolted from school and she could hear sirens around. Her dad probably had his entire police squad looking for her.

Nyssa rolled her eyes as she lay back on the grass, the dried blood still sat on her head and face but was long forgotten at this point. As Nyssa looked up into the air, sat with nothing but tranquillity and the faint sound of sirens, she let her mind wander away from reality and her mess of a life.

"Aria, please... Please don't send me away. I can fight. You know I can, you taught me to. You have no idea how alone I feel back home waiting for my sister, my parents to go to sleep so I can come here. I'm not like them, they're not like me... Please don't leave me alone." She pleaded desperately, tears running in streams down her face.

"Oh, Naryssa. I'm sorry. Let me do this for you. I won't lose you too. I lost Apollo and Alaria; I refuse to let you fall here too. She was only a child, so are you. " Aria replied sadly.

"No no no. I can protect myself. You taught me how to fight, with and without my magic. I can do this. Please..."

"When you pass through the rift back into your world, the rift will close behind you, you will not be able to come back through. This rift will never open itself to you again. Carishas crest will ensure it"


"No?" Aria questioned.

"No. I'm not leaving. You can't make me, Aria you can't." Aria sighed.

"Then, please forgive me Naryssa."

Ut per rimam.

A faint glow began to resonate around Naryssa, engulfing her in a light prison that was beginning to lift her off the ground.

"Aria... Aria, please. Put me down, put me down!" She cried, Aria stood with her back to her.

"I'm sorry, little one..."

Nyssa jolted awake, her eyes damp from unconsciously shed tears. She just sat up there, for minutes, hours? It felt as though no time was passing - but it had. The horizon radiated colours of all shades. Oranges, pinks, blues. All merged together. Nyssa stared for a while before it hit her like a brick - it was dusk.

What time is it?! How long have I been out?!

6.43pm. That's what the glow of her phone told her. There were hundreds of missed calls, messages and voicemails. Even Scarlett had tried to contact her. Hesitant, she played the voicemail.

... I went too far Nyssa, I know I did. I should've let you walk away. You knew that you were going to snap and I pushed you. You're not a coward, you're sensi-

Delete voicemail.

She should go home, her parents are probably losing it. Nyssa sighed as she fell back onto the grass, the September breeze passing over her, her eyes shutting once again.

A twig snap. Her eyes still closed but she could feel a presence near her.

"Fuck off."

"Quite a rude hello, don't you think?" She turned her head slightly, one eye open.


"Fuck off."

He chuckled lightly. "You really put on quite a show today, got half the town searching for you."

"Half the town could find me but you did?"

"What can I say, I wasn't exactly looking for you. I was exploring the town and just happened upon you."

"Really?" Nyssa sat up and looked at him.


"Fuck off."

"Is that the only insult you know?" he said laughing again, a sinister laugh.

"If I wanted company, I would've gone home. So kindly do me a massive favour and fuck off."

Damien didn't respond. He just stared at her, like he was analysing her. His brows furrowed. She could almost see the cogs working in his head.

"Damien." He said in an emotionless way, extending his hand towards her. Now she was looking at him, both eyes open, taking him in. Tall, dark hair, even darker eyes. Sorta handsome in a cold way. His black clothing clung to him like second skin, giving of a certain aura that practically screamed 'stay away'.

"I know who you are. You were in my math class this morning." she started as she continued to look over his sharp exterior. Nyssa could quite put a point on it but something about him made the hair on her neck stand on end, not in a good way. That same dark aura shrouded him, like a cloak.

"You know my name, yet I don't know yours."

"What a shame." rolling her eyes, sarcasm laced in her words.

"You're staring," Damien said abruptly.

"So were you this morning."

"Tochè. So you're not going to tell me your name?"

"Why should I? I don't know you."

I don't want to know you either.

"Why are you still here Damien? To make a friend or something?" She questioned

"Friends. Friends are pointless. Just another weakness to add to a endless list of death and disease."

"Pessimistic much? We're not friends. Go to hell."

Damien chuckled to himself as he sat upon the grass "Been there, done that. I've heard it's toasty this time of year."

Nyssa just sat there in quiet, silence shrouded her like a cloak. He didn't say a word either but his presence was still there - haunting. It was something about him that screamed death.

"It's dark, you should probably go home to your family." He spat bitterly out the word 'family' like its was a poison on his tongue. As if there was a pure hatred towards the concept.

"Am I meant to care that it's going dark?"

"Things hide in the dark waiting to prey on little girls like you."A sinister smirk marked his face.

Who the fuck does this prick think he is?

"Little girl? That's hilarious" Nyssa chucked sarcastically.

The sky was no longer painted in light and the lights around the town were lit up. You could see the red and blue sirens flying across the neighbourhoods - at least you couldn't hear them anymore. He was still there, leaning against a tree, a hovering shadow.

"It's dark." He repeated.

'What was it with him and the dark.' Nyssa thought

"No shit, Sherlock. Afraid of the dark or something.

"I'm not afraid of the should be." A deep tone lace his voice.

Nyssa stared back in silence. A prick of fear crawled up her spine she shook it away as quickly as it manifested. She refused to intimidated by this man. She stared down at her hands and then her wrist.

There's no point in trying to force anything out. That mark on your wrist isn't going anywhere. Aria made damn well sure of it.


"Why, should I be afraid of you?"

There are was no response. No one was there anymore.

And once again there was silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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