Dream Of Forgotten Times

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AN:This is my first story so im sorry if the writing isn't the best or the tense changes.

With that said, hope you enjoys


Sister, quickly take them. He wants them both dead. If you want your children to live then leave NOW!"

"Brother I can't, I won't abandon them"

"Aurora go! I'll fight them off!"

"I'm sorry you were born into a world that wants you dead ...Fear him! Fear Chaos!"

"I Love You Alairia...."





"Hmm, yeah, what?" Nyssa stuttered as she raised her head, to the teacher who was glaring at her. The class screeching with laughter at the disorientated girl.

"Ms Edwards can you please refrain from napping in my lessons," Miss Hunter said firmly. Nyssa sunk further down into her chair, her face going red. She groaned in frustration. Another bloody dream, just what I need...

"Yeah, Miss" Nyssa shrugged as the classes wave of giggles and laughter came to a halt.

"Settle down class " Miss Hunter shouted above the class.

"There is a new student joining our class. His name is Damien Wilson and he's starting today. So would anyone like to show him around? Sky??"Miss Hunter pointed to the brunette talking to her friends in the corner.

Sky Moors was the real version of the teenage films 'mean girl' or 'popular girl', bullying girls beneath her like Nyssa. But honestly, Nyssa really didn't give a shit.

"Miss, why would I wanna drag around a weir-" Sky began before she was cut off by a loud couple of knocks at the door with a tall, dark-haired stranger looming in the doorway.

"Is this room 305, Miss Hunters class?" asked the boy.

"Yes, it is. And you are?"

"Damien, miss."

"Oh yes, class this is Damien. Welcome to my class, Mr Wilson. Do you want to go sit next to Tyler or Nyssa at the back?".

Not me, not me, not me, Nyssa thought.

Before Damien started to pace towards the back, a loud thud was heard from the right side of the class as Sky pushed someone of the chair next to her to free up a seat.

"Hey miss, he can sit here next to me, this seat is free. "

"But that's my seat?" squeaked the student sprawled on the carpet.

"Find somewhere else to SIT!"Sky hissed, glaring down at the poor child who was now collecting his stuff and moving next to Tyler.

"Sky that is no way to speak to a classmate. Charlie go back to your seat. Damien chose a seat next to Nyssa or Tyler. And anyway Sky, I do believe that you said didn't want to 'mingle' with the new student. You were sayi-"

"Was saying why wouldn't I wanna hang out with a new student and miss the opportunity to introduce him to our brilliant school. What am I, a savage?"

"Yeah, you are" mumbled Nyssa under her breath, not raising her head from her desk for a moment.

"Fine, can you go sit next to Sky please, Damien?"

"I'd rather sit at the back on my own please" he replied in a sharp confident tone. As he started to walk to the empty seat at the back of the room, the whole time, his eyes caught hers as he walked never leaving Nyssa until he sat down. It was almost disturbing. It was a cold dead stare not like in the films where a new kid would instantly fall for the unpopular kid. It was making Nyssa uncomfortable.

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