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"Ayee it's my muhfuckin birthday bitch!" I was dancing in my seat because my homegirls kept recording me.

I smiled once the waitresses brought over a cute little cake for me. They sung happy birthday to me and damn near everyone in the restaurant was clapping for me. I thanked everyone and blew out the small candle before cutting small pieces for the girls. I didn't really want any because I've been getting a lil fat lately.

"The lil baby is finally 20." Imani recording the both of us and I did a lil dance in my seat.

"Y'all don't understand how happy I am to have y'all as my friends. I love you guys." I smiled as I looked at all my presents. It was just me, Neisha, Jas and Imani but they really did go all out for ya girl.

"We love you too." They all cooed and continued to eat.

I looked down at my phone to see Yatta mentioned me in a comment.

MrBlueStrips.Yatta: Happy Birthday To My Lil Baby 😍😍😍💍. @Mameleana I Love U Shorty Now Cum Get Some Birthday Dick 😂💪🏾 Onna ⛽️🅰️🆖

He posted a pic of me even though he already said Happy Birthday to me at 12 in the morning. He wouldn't let me get off FaceTime with him until it was my birthday so we were talking on the phone for like 4 hours.

Mameleana: Thanks baby I love you too 🤞🏾❤️ I'm on the way aye yea yea yea 😂😂😭

I was being corny as hell but I sent it anyway. After he posted that pic of me, I had gotten so many follow requests and I sighed because this is just was I was tryna get away from but whatever.

It was going on 7 so we decided to start heading out. Since I was going to see my baby so I was lowkey in a rush to leave. We took pictures and hugged on each other before we all went our separate ways.

I made my way over to Yatta's apartment while blasting Baby Laana's -Bullshit.

I wasted no time turning off the car and going up to his apartment door.

I knocked twice and Yatta opened the door, attacking me with kisses. "Happy birthday beautiful." He pecked my lips before giving me a longer kiss.

"Thank you, baby." I smiled and he let go of me. "Come here."I bit my bottom lip as I looked up at what was all mine. My baby so damn fine.

He had recovered from being shot quicker than the doctors expected. By 3 weeks, he was back and better. All he had to do was clean his wounds until they closed up. He only had one scar on his forehead from smashing his head into the window, but that was going away because of my coco butter.

 He only had one scar on his forehead from smashing his head into the window, but that was going away because of my coco butter

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