#2 Find Original Ideas In Unoriginal Stories

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The fact is, nobody will ever write an original idea. Everything has been done before!

However, we can look for details about our stories that can make them different from the rest. If you’re writing a vampire story, try changing the classic vampire rules! From what I’m told, the "Twilight" vampires twinkle (or something). This detail is a new addition that Stephenie Meyer created to distinguish her story from the all the other vampire fiction. And it works!

Here’s a trick that has worked for me. Try combining two big ideas into one. Do you have a vampire story that needs to be spiced up? Set it in a nursing home! Or maybe you need a vampire with an original struggle. What if he likes girls, but can only live off the blood of other boys?

This tip is essential in the teen romance genre. You will never write a unique story about teens falling in love, but if you find little ways to make your story stand out, you can go a long way in keeping the reader's attention!

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