the fight pt 1

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We walk through the door and i can still feel the cold mountain air in my hands. Taylor takes off her boots and her coat and rushes over to the counter to prepare some tea, probably. I take off my jacket and go stand next to her and put my hands around her.

"Harry." She says quietly. "Please. Don't act like everything is okay." She turns around so we're now face to face. I let go of her, and she stares at me and i stare at the ground, I still get butterflies every time she looks at me. I wait but she still hasn't said anything so i look up, confused.

"What's wrong, Taylor?" I put a strand of hair behind her ear and she bites her lip. I begin to worry, why is she acting so weird?

"I can't..." She suddenly walks over to the sofa and sits herself down and puts her head in her hands, looking exasperated. I want to rush over to her and tell her it's all going to be okay, but for some reason i don't so instead i just walk over to her and sit beside her.

"You can't what?" I swallow.

"Do this." She looks up at me, tears are welling up in her eyes. How can someone look so beautiful even when they're crying? My eyes follow one of the tears trickling down her cheek and without thinking i wipe it off. I hate seeing her upset. I put my hand on her cheek and lean forward and plant a soft kiss on her cheek. She pulls away slightly. "That isn't going to fix this. Not this time."

"Can you tell me why you're suddenly saying this?" I ask. "We can get through what the media says, they don't know us, they don't know you, they don't know...this." I take her hands in mine and she pulls them away.

"I know we can. We already have" She laughs softly, and i feel a spark inside me. Her laugh is such a sweet sound. She wipes her tears and takes a deep breathe. "Do you really love me?"

"Yes, i do. Of course i do." I can feel tears welling up inside me, does she not love me? "Do you not...?"

"No, i do. More than anything. But this isn't going to work." She suddenly bursts into tears again and i feel a horrible feeling of guilt, what have i done to make her so upset?

"Taylor, why are you saying this?"

"I know about the girl, Harry. I don't want you to be with me but wanting to be with someone else." She just about manages to get the words out and my stomach does a double flip.

"Taylor..." I look down and a tear falls down my cheek. "There's you and only you."

"How can you say that?!" She seems angry now but i don't blame her. "How do you have the nerve to say that to my face? How?"

"It was just, i hadn't seen her in a long time and I...and I just...seeing her again brought on a lot of emotions but when it was over i could only think of you."

"When it was over?" she laughs sarcastically. "That's supposed to make me feel better? that you thought of me after you fucking slept with her?" She gets up and heads into the bedroom.

I sigh and get up and follow her. "No, i'm just..."

"You're trying to make excuses." She turns to me, her face bright red. "You clearly don't care about us if you're going round sleeping with other girls."

"What the hell? So now you're saying i've slept with other girls? Well you clearly don't know me that well." I know i shouldn't be getting angry at her, this is all my fault, but a feeling inside me is making me fight against her.

"Well, you kept this from me no problem. At least i have people who truly care about me that actually took the time to tell me. You're supposed to be the person who cares about me most, does that not mean anything to you?" She starts putting things in her bag and i panic.

"What are you doing?" I out my hand on hers and she lashes out on me.

"Get off me! don't touch me!" I can tell how upset she is and knowing that i'm the one who hurt her, the feeling is unbearable.

"Taylor, don't leave. Please. I love you, i care about you and I never wanted to hurt you." I say, and i feel more tears falling down my cheeks.

"No you don't. You don't. You've never been one hundred percent in this relationship and you proved it by doing what you did." She sniffles and sits on the bed, I sit next to her.

"I have never felt like this about anyone. I am one hundred percent in this. I love you." I say putting my arm around her. This time, she doesn't pull away. Instead, she tucks her head into my chest and cries more. I wrap my two arms around her and kiss her on the head. She feels so fragile, vulnerable, it feels like she could crack at any moment. We sit there for two minutes, her crying and me hugging her tightly, never wanting to let her go. She eventually lifts her head and her face is puffy from crying and i cup her face in my hands, she's so beautiful. I kiss her softly and at first she doesn't seem to be into the kiss but eventually she kisses me back and I have a brief feeling that it's all going to be okay. I never want to lose her.

"Harry..." she pulls away and looks at me. "My car is waiting outside." My heart drops.

"But...?" I can't get the words out, a huge pit forms in my stomach.

She continues packing her thing and i sit on the bed, numb.

"What does this mean for us?" I ask, confused.

"I don't know. You still did what you did." She says, her voice cracking slightly.

"I will do anything, i mean it. Anything. I will do anything to make this better." I turn to her, with a spark of hope in me.

"Not tonight." She closes her bag and puts on her coat and a scarf. She starts heading for the door and looks back. It looks like she's about to say something but then she turns away and slams the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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