bob dylan vs. horace judson: time magazine interview 1965

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Are you a folk singer?

No, I could try to explain to you,

But it'd make no difference.

How does it feel to have such success in pop music?

..More like suck-cess

Josh Dunson implies in his new book you have sold out

To commercial and topical songwriting success...

No comment, no arguments, I certainly don't feel guilty.

Describe this, describe that

Fuck if I know, man.

When you did this, wrote that, said that, what did it mean to you?

I don't know. I don't remember.

Do you care about what you sing?

How can I answer a question like that?

He's got a lot of nerve asking me a question like that!

Did he ask the Beatles that?

This man has never heard a goddamn song of mine

And he wants to question my success?

The real question is does this guy care

About what he writes?

He's the one who traveled across the world

To interview a stranger

He knows nothing about.

Why do I care?

I've never been in Time Magazine

And I've filled this hall twice-

I don't need Time Magazine.

This guy is wasting his time

And mine.

This can't be a good article.

The guy who is really writing this article

Is sitting behind a desk in New York City

With his feet propped up

And his eyes laid shut-

He's gonna say something like

He has his finger on the pulse of our generation.

He's God.

He's the voice of the movement.

He's a prophet.

Let me tell you something Time Magazine,

Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Melody Maker-

I'm no god, I'm no prophet,

And I sure as hell don't belong to you.

I don't belong to anybody.

Hell, I don't even belong to myself.

I don't want to anymore.

I'm gonna find me a new Bob Dylan tomorrow.

You can have him.

He's all yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2010 ⏰

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