Matthew, Jordan, Jorel, Aron, George, Danny and Dylan sat in the living room of their "Guy Cave", dying of boredom and slurring from the alcohol. "You guys can't tell me you aren't bored." Aron said, looking around at his band mates. "We are." Jorel said, tossing his can on the floor. "Oh, actually, I have something to do. Soooo, see you creeps later." Matt said, holding up a peace sign as he left.

He was the only sober one, so he drove to the party no problem.

"Hey, Mattie! You finally showed up!" A guy said as he came to Matt. They did a bro shake, Matt laughing. "So, dude, there are these girls on stage dancing to your music. Come on, you gotta see it!" Matt got dragged to a stage, seeing three girls come on stage. Party By Myself began playing, so the girls danced. Matt was amazed by the one in the front. She had on a mask, but it was cream colored with a question mark in the center. It hid her face perfectly, and it got Matt dying to see her face. The other girl, taller but just as curvy, wore a half and half mask. Half was blue and had a white tear streak down it. The other side was black and had a blue tear streak down it. The third girl had on a green mask with black circles where the eyes should be.

They were amazing.

When they finished dancing, the one Matt was interested in took the mic and spoke. "Ok, so I know we've been performing for a while here, and you guys said you wanted us to unmask ourselves. And, we decided to. I'll let her go first." The green mask girl stood up. She took her mask off, brown eyes and brown skin showing. "Introducing, KayKay!" She said. The girl held up her first finger and pinky, then stepped back. "And now.." The half mask girl stepped up. She took her mask off, pretty black hair and green eyes showed. "Masky!" She said. (No relation to Creepypasta). "And now, I guess I should go, huh?" She grasped the bottom of her mask, taking it off. Long brown hair, blue eyes, and a nose piercing and a lip piercing. "I, am Maxy. She had on red lipstick, she was.. Beautiful.

Matt was staring, getting caught off guard when he heard screaming. "Da Kurlzz?! What?!!" She bent down, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. "Its you, for real?!" She asked. He nodded. "Oh my gosh! Hey, do you by any chance wanna come back stage with us after the show?" She asked. He blushed heavily. "Yeah, of course." He said.

When the girls finished dancing, the songs being No Other Place, Christmas in Hollywood, No. 5, and Pigskin, Matt followed them back stage. "Yo, Crystal, you've been improving." Maxy said to Masky. "I know, Kace and I have been practicing." Crystal said. "OH! Matt, where are the other guys?" Maxy asked. "They didn't come. My car was too small to hold all of them, and the ones who couldn't fit were too damn drunk." Matt explained. Maxy laughed. "Well, I'm actually kinda glad its just you." Maxy said, causing him to blush. "Why?" He asked. Maxy bit her lip. "You're my favorite." She said. Matt blushed. "Heh." He said. "Wanna come back to our apartment? You can call the guys over and we'll party." Maxy said. Matt nodded. "Ok, let's go." She said.

They began walking, and her and Matt were talking a lot, mainly about the band and dancing.

When they were deep in conversation, Maxy got pulled into an alley. A guy came out with her, holding a knife to her throat. "Nobody move, and this girl lives." The girls were scared stiff, but Matt slowly moved his hand to his belt. The guy took notice. "What are you doing? I'll kill this bitch I ain't playing!" He said. "I don't think so." Matt pulled out a gun. "Put her down or I'll kill your ass!" He said, pointing it at the guy's head. He dropped the knife and Maxy, running away. Matt shot him in the foot. "C'mon, let's go." Matt grabbed Maxy's hand and they ran to their apartment.

Matt couldn't get that out of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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