Chapter 17

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Dear Diary,

I haven't spoken to Damon in weeks, I am afraid to speak to him, Stefan is guarding the house to make sure he stays away, but how long will that b-


I'm sorry diary, I had to skip that, page I'm crying. I apologize so deeply for crying it's hair that I miss Damon, very much, I love him and I miss him. I just admitted that I love Damon Salvatore, then I'll say it again. I AM COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY IN LOVE WITH DAMON SALVATORE!!! Ahhhh! I hear footsteps! Someone is coming but Elena, Jer, and Jenna are out, why am I such an idiot to stay home alone? Call Stefan, find phone. Got to go hide my diary, and me, well yeah Oh My God the door... it's opening, I am now hiding in my closet, I can see the crack, five minutes to six, great timing, the one time somebody breaks into your house and you have to me completely quiet but your stupid Severe Chronic Migraine Syndro-

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