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Frieda sat on the floor in front of a mirror looking at her believix yet for some reason she couldn't bring herself to smile they had gotten what they needed to put an end to her brothers but a part of her was sad. For many reasons one being that she was so encouraging when it came to give second chances. So was what she was doing hypocritical she wasn't really giving her brothers a fair shot but every time she gave them an inch of her trust they used it against her. But their was something else that was bothering her. Her believix. Frieda missed the feel of her enchantix how she felt so connect to it and how James had made it especially for her. It was gone. Something so special gone just like that. It hurt especially since it was the only thing he had actually given her. She was worried once James left she'd forget him but she didn't want to forget him. Glancing back at the mirror she saw him standing right behind her. How long have you been there James she asked.

I don't know Frieda, how long have you been staring at your reflection. And why do you look so sad. You should be happy.

I should be, but I'm not. It's just I wonder if I have ever given them the chance to change. I think so highly about second chances and I'm not even sure if I gave my own brothers it. Not only that though the gift you gave me, my new enchantix is now gone it's sad knowing that a special part of you has faded away and will probably never be seen again.

Alright first and foremost Frieda you gave those wizards several chances it's not your fault they choose to be who they are second of all something tells me you haven't lost it forever, if it is as special as you say it is then it will always find a way back to you. It may be hard to believe but something or someone who you love dearly will always find their way back to you. It may never be clear how or why. Frieda you have more things to worry about than this. I know you're enchantix held a very special piece of you but it's still there just because the enchantix is gone doesn't mean that is. Now stop moping and go downstairs and enjoy the fact that you're friendship with the girls is back to where it started.

Yeah I suppose your right she said as she untransformed about to head out of her room down stairs she turned to James and asked, you coming?

In a second I'll be right down go ahead.

Okay if you say so. The girl said making her way down stairs. Hey girls she said happily.

Oh hi Frieda Bloom said not looking up from what she was doing.

James told me we where celebrating down here but it doesn't look like it what's going on guys.

Listen Frieda we love you and all and don't take this the wrong way but we still can't have you fight the wizards with us you weren't even supposed to gain believix and Ms. F doesn't feel like you should fight in this battle Musa said looking between her friends as they nodded agreeing with what the girl said. But in her head Musa wasn't nodding with them she knew Frieda deserved to fight the wizards and that she was capable of doing so but her and Flora where out numbered when they voted on it. After voting against them the winx decided it was her who would tell Frieda.

Wait what I thought we where on the same page. I thought we could all be friends again I thought you guys trusted me to fight against them do you really believe I can't do it. What kind of friends are you.

James walked down at the worst moment as he heard Frieda screaming.

I can't believe you guys I thought that we could all work together to get rid of my brothers my own family I want to fight against because of the pain they made everyone have I want to fight them because I have a reason to a reason I told you over and over again. Are you guys for real.  That's it I'm done I've tried several times to stay calm through several times of you guys screaming at me and pointing all fingers to me well no more I hope you're happy I quit our little group so I don't have to listen to you guys anymore. I don't care to hear your opinions I'm leaving. The girl said as she ran up the stairs not even realizing James as she continued walking she made it to her room and before her everything was packed but she wasn't satisfied grabbing the friendship necklace off she placed it on the floor and stepped on it. The necklace was broken into several different pieces just like there friendship. Grabbing her bags Frieda turned to look around once more and then just like that she was gone.

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