Part 1- Mating?

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     Kagomes POV


      I crept out of the well not wanting to wake anyone up because it was two am in the morning. Five days ago Kaede told me to go home, which of course I was excited for but it all seemed strange. First off she told me to not come back for a month, which obviously wasn't going to happen with one white haired half-demon around. Second was the fact it was summer in my era! Why would I go back when I have no studying to do? Anyways, the third strangest and most surprising was that Inuyasha agreed, honestly is he that tired of me. To be honest though I don't want to leave him that long. Well since its been only five days versus a month you can tell I wanted to return to my lov- I MEAN FRIENDS, gosh Kagome stuttering in your own mind. Wait who am I even talking to? Well never mind, I wanted to at least see my friends again.

        I slipped off the ledge of the well I was previously sitting on to go find Inuyasha and the rest. Wait should I even go see Inuyasha, I mean Kaede and Inu himself told me to avoid him for a month. Maybe i'll just find Shippo, Sango,  and Miroku. Some time past and I went to Kaedes house; luckily no one except Kaede was there. "Hello Kaede sorry if I woke you up!" I greeted Her.

"I've been expecting you, now sit down I need to discuss something about Inuyasha with you." Kaede gestured me. I took seat across from her and had to sit criss-cross-applesauce due to there being no chairs. Kaede took a deep breath and stared me in the eyes. "As you know I have asked you to stay away from Inuyasha for month leaving today and 25 days to follow." I simply nodded in response. "Well listen he-"

The curtain to the shack flew open to reveal a laughing Miroku, Sango, and Kirara. 

"And then- oh Kagome have you returned?" Miroku  questioned. Kaede cleared her throat loudly so we could all hear. "Oh sorry I must of interrupted something." He apologised while bowing his head. 

"Forgive us for inturupting but we seek Kagomes help is you don't mind Kaede." Sango said while waiting for Kaedes response. Kaede sighed in defeat, " I suppose it can't be helped." Kaede crossed her arms and nodded at me to follow them. 

     Me and everyone except Inuyasha marched to who knows where. I notice the sun was going down "Hey Sango won't demons show up if we walk after dark?" I questioned Sango. However she brushed off my question and started to talk to Miroku. Honestly this wasn't like her at all was all I could think of. Despite being rejected by Sango I continued with, "Hey do you guys know whats up with Inuyasha?" I buzzed but they still ignored me. 'Fine I accept this challenge' I thought nobly. "Hey Do you guys know how the world started? Or maybe why I have black hair? Do demons sleep? Oh I know do you and Miroku sleep together Sango?" I roasted. Suddenly silence fell, I felt cold dark aura appear around Sango. She slowly turned around....... To be just fine. "Hey are you ok Sango?" I question whirly afraid of be yelled at.

"Hey she's right Sango, but to be honest I would love to sleep with you." Miroku suddenly jumped down to his knee and said his signature line, "Will you bear my child?" I expected to hear a loud slap but instead Sango held his hand and responded, "No...... Not now." I felt as me and Mirokus jaw dropped to the ground. Well that settled it something was off today, well it isn't like I've been surprised at all today.

       After Sangos mysterious answer we continued walking, but this time she finally spoke to me, "We need your power to help exterminate a powerful demon." Was all Sango muttered. 

"Why don't you guys get inuyashas help?" I investigated. 

"We would but, we don't know where he is." Sango explained. "He disappeared after you left five days ago." I started to walk slower as my mind kept questioning things. Soon I looked up from my deep trance. 'No ones there' I thought. Surly enough I had fallen behind, but since it was still early out a thick layer of mist haunted the ground. "I think i'm lost," I murmured. Suddenly I herd rustling in the bushes. Something, no someone was there. 


Heyo people I really hoped you enjoyed so far, don't worry soon all the lemons will be unleashed  ; so please wait till then. As you can probably tell this is my first time ever writing a fanficion; but hey most Inuyasha and Kagome fanfics on wattpad suck, sorry. So I felt it was my duty to make a lemon for it; there are like zero lemons for this ship on wattpad. I'll probably update within the next two days, unless your reading this in the future then I've probably already updated. Okay till the bye!

Mating Season) Inuyasha x Kagome LemonWhere stories live. Discover now