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JULIA Thompson. Oh, how you've made my life a living hell. Those piercing blue eyes that I almost fell in love with were deadly. You used me. And for what? I told you that I didn't want you to get hurt. I told you, that I would never be able to love you like I loved Elliot.

And when I told you how much I loved Elliot, you ruined everything. Elliot was the only person I cared about, and you pushed us away from each other. Oh, Julia. You know, the first time I got high in my life, was with you. We were sitting on the brick wall behind the school. Do you remember that?

"So, are you like a lesbian, or are you bisexual?" Julia asks. The blonde and brunette were sitting on the six-foot tall brick wall behind Riverview High school. 

Simone cracks a slight smile but shrugs a little. 

"I dunno," she laughs. Simone's eyes widen and she looks over at Julia. 

Stretching her arms out, she puts her hands in front of her face, observing her limbs. 

"Yo, I can like, feel my bones inside of my skin," Simone says, laughing. The young girl was starting to feel the effects of the edibles Julia brought for her. It was her first time getting high, and she was only fourteen. 

"Oh my God you're so stoned," Julia laughs, doubling over on the brick wall. Simone and Julia's eyes meet. Simone leans in closer, inches away from the blonde's face. Julia closes the gap in between them and their lips move in sync. Julia moves closer to Simone, not breaking the kiss, and she wraps her arm around her waist, pulling her closer. 

Simone pushes away from Julia. Without saying anything, Simone jumps off the brick wall, running away from Julia. 

But it doesn't matter anymore. What matters, is what you did. I told you that I didn't love you like I loved Elliot. And you know what you did? You made my life hell. Telling the football players that I wanted to have sex with them. I was fourteen when Erin Cleveland raped me. 

But you didn't care. The only thing that mattered, was that I broke your heart. 

"I fucking love you, Simone!" Julia yelled. Tears were streaming down her face, while Simone sat in the chair, emotionless. She didn't feel anything for Julia. Sure they had sex once or twice, but that was all it was to Simone. Just sex. Nothing else.

Simone gives Julia a blank stare. 

"I told you I was in love with someone else," Simone sighs, not feeling sympathetic for the blonde girl crying in front of her. Julia's eyes go from sad to angry, as she picks up a lamp and throws it at Simone. 

Luckily, Simone dodges it a second before it hits her, but that doesn't stop Julia from throwing more things. Julia was hurt. She was in love with Simone Brown, but Simone was in love with Elliot Montes. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Simone asks, trying to make her way to the door. Julia collapses on the floor, not being able to handle the storm of emotions clouding her mind. 

Simone looks back at Julia and sighs. She walks over to the blonde girl on the floor and takes her in her arms. 

"I can't love you like you deserve to be loved, Julia. I'm sorry. You'll find someone who's so much better than me. And maybe then you'll forgive me. I'm so sorry Julia," Simone says trying to calm Julia down. 

Simone pulls Julia in her lap and runs her fingers through Julia's hair soothingly. Julia sniffles, but doesn't pull her face out of Simone's shirt. 

"It's things like this, that make me fall in love with you more. Don't you know what it's like to be me? You're in love with your best friend! She doesn't love you, Simone! Wake up and realize you're wasting your God damn time!" Julia screams, now pulling away from Simone. 

The brunette doesn't say anything to the hysteric blonde and instead walks out the door. 

Walking out the door the night we fought, was probably the worst decision of my life. I've asked myself, how am I different from Elliot? The thing is, I warned you. I warned you in every way possible of the dangers of falling in love with me. But you ignored them. 

You ignored those warnings like it was nothing. 

You ruined my friendship with Elliot. The thing is, I don't even know what you told her. She wouldn't talk to me. Elliot wouldn't even let me explain myself. So she left. She completely isolated herself from me. And when Elliot left me, I was completely alone. 

Do you know what it's like to be alone? 

Well, I'll tell you, it's not a good feeling. Waking up every morning with nothing to look forward to, no one to talk to, no reason to actually be alive, was tough. And so, I was depressed for a while. But that wasn't enough for you.

It wasn't enough, for you to see me sitting alone at lunch or walking through the halls with my head down. You weren't satisfied with the dirty looks I got from Elliot in the hallways. 

And when it wasn't enough, you went overboard. You spread rumors. And oh, those rumors were horrible. I was beaten up, mocked, tortured, and you could have made it all stop. But you didn't.

You let it happen.

So fuck you, Julia Thompson.

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