Night-time Fright

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The wind outside racked against the sides of the building, causing the complex to quake in anticipation.  A storm was brewing up in the night sky as distant thunder rattled the grime-covered windows like skeleton’s teeth.

The steady drip of water from leaking pipes let off a putrid stench that grew as Claudia crept further into the warehouse, away from the approaching storm. Her afternoon jog by Steven’s open-windowed studio was a no-go. There would not be any “accidental” encounters with the handsome artist today.

Eyes darting around the dark room, her foot left the metal staircase and met the concrete floor below.

The distinct shape of rectangular columns were the only visible objects in the room and taking another step within, a flash of lightning sent a flicker through the windows, brightening the room for a split second. In that moment, a movement in the corner caught Claudia’s eye, but the burst of light disappeared to plunge the room into darkness once more before she could turn.

Peering into the shadows, she took a shaking step closer, her fingers clenched into the folds of her running pants. “Hello,” she whispered, sensing the feel of eyes upon her.

Another flash of lightening bathed the room in light as the high backside of a cushioned chair was revealed from within the shadows.

Confusion lit her face as she inched forward, perspiration building along her back, chilling almost instantly and leaving the cold sweat to run streaks down her spine.

Another flash of lightening cast the shadow of the chair against the wall, lengthening it so that it reached the high beam ceiling.

Claudia’s heartbeat quickened as she drew closer, moving only when the room was lit by the beams of lightening outside. Freezing in place as the room dimmed, the sound of clinking metal was muffled by a sudden blast of thunder. The air Claudia held in her mouth turned stale as she stopped breathing, listening for the metallic screech once more.

The storm faded into the background as silence fell around Claudia, the resounding thunder and her lack of oxygen causing a steady ringing to settle over her ears. Had she imagined it, she supposed? Taking another step forward, she stood several feet from the high-backed chair, its burgundy leather wrinkled with old age and water damage.

Should she leave and be drenched by the storm? The thought left as quick as it was made. Drenched cat was not a look she sought after. Not with this hair. And she was known for her inability to be scared. She wasn’t about to change that, even if she was alone.

Mustering up the courage she took pride in, she strode the last few steps toward the chair, thinking of resting her sore feet while she waited out the storm. Her staccato heartbeat evened as she gripped the corner of the chair, the feel of slickened leather beneath her sweating hand. Tugging at the seamed edge, it remained stuck in place, not budging, but a fraction of an inch. The courage she once felt seemed to dim as a second passed in silence. Taking a deep breath to clear her head, she tugged with determination, using both hands this time instead of one.

The wooden legs scraped the floor as she managed to turn the heavy chair away from the wall and treasonous anxiety left her as she stared at the empty seat. As she sat, thunder boomed, sending the windows into a shaking frenzy. She closed her eyes as she leaned back into the chair to relax, a small smile etched on her face as she prided over her bravery.

The light ting of metal brought her out of her congratulatory daze as a stench fouler than the leaking water wafted into her nose from above. With slight jerks of her head, she slowly craned her neck to look at the ceiling.

In-between the rafters above, a chain hung from the ceiling, flicking back and forth as the building shook.

It’s just a chain, she told herself.

Her heart calm again, she shook her head and eased her neck down, her mouth opening to laugh at her silly worry. But as her eyes were brought down from the rafters above, the only sound to leave her mouth was a shrill scream.


I'm trying to improve my writing so comments are appreciated :) Since summer is approaching (finally!), I might start posting more short stories like this and if I get better, maybe move on to longer stories. Thanks for reading :) 

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