The Hunger Games - Rues POV

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The sun shines bright with brilliance. The world seems quiet. In a small cabin home a baby cries. The mother holds her baby safely in her arms. Adoringly she smiles down at her new born child.

The baby’s father rushes through the door panting with sweet dripping down his face and with one look he begins to grin. He walks over to his wife. Slowly he lowers himself on the cot beside her. Tears spill down his eyes as he stares at his daughter. Slowly he strokes her cheek feeling a warmth flow through him.

He takes in a long breath and says, “She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.”

“She’s so pink. Are you sure she is mine?” He asks.

His wife glares at him. “Of course.”

The mother looks up at him and nods holding her baby even closer. “What will we name her?”

The father jumps remembering he brought a gift for his new child. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a white flower. His wife smiles.

Both parents look at each other. “Rue.” They say in unison.

“Rue.” He whispers again. “I am afraid for you.”

He hugs his wife tightly and lays a hand on his daughter. He knows there is a future for his family. But is the future the best?

The Hunger Games - Rues POVWhere stories live. Discover now