Why did I fall for you?

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Hey guys , you know sometimes the questions occur to after the relationships get over like ,
what did i see in him at the first place? ,
why did i fall for him?
Why did i not control myself?
This one has all the answers you need which you know are true deep down but the ending is too thick layer of fog to let you see through the beginning ...

All this time i used to wonder,
What made me to ponder,
The possibility of 'us' with you,
Only to find nothing but evidence of pain ,
Its just that i forgot to look at the right moments....
Its hard to remember why i fall in love,
When everytime i open the book of us,
The bookmark is always at the chapter which titled as,
Why we fall out of it....
But today in the pursuit of finding the very reason,
That Why i gave you the right to hold my heart,
I tried to open those closely stick pages of beginning ....
Words were wearing out,
So as the emotions,
But i still tried to read,
Perhaps the best words we have written together....
And their lies the words ,
Reasoning my choice,
Crying and telling me,
I did not fall in love with you,
I fall for the courage you had ,
The courage to do what you wanted,
I was thrilled to be part of such an adventure,
I was excited to be with you,
For you were the one i saw the hope to free myself,
You were the mirror ,
In which i saw the reflection of free me ,
Flying through the edges ....
But then our book is completed now ,
Faith and trust is what i had on you,
Love is what i did,
Expectations is what i had,
Disappointments is what it turned into,
But  what i never realised ,
That i was breaking the smaller chains ,
Just to bound the most suffocating and the strongest one ,
Breaking every spirit i had,
I had everything with me ,
Just one thing was lacking,
And that was ME....

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