The Royal Family of Arabay

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It took three days but in an hour they would have made it to Arabay. Bruno had woken up just as the sun was rising. His eyes glimmered in amazement as the sun rose over the horizon making the once blue sand of the night turn to a vibrant orange if the early morning Leonhard woke up with a yawn, he felt something heavy on him he looked to his left where Licht was snuggling his brother as he continued to sleep. He pulled his brother off of him which immediately woke him up.

"Good morning it's good to see that you're all up." Heine said.

"Good morning." They said in unison.

"How much longer till we get there?" Leonhard said.

"Less than an hour." Heine said looking at pocket watch.

"So Bruno what are you going to do when you went your finacée." Licht asked.

"Definitely not something you would do with lewd behavior towards women." Bruno said disgusted.

"I was just asking you didn't have to be mean about it."

As the sun for higher, the sky got more blue instead of orange and the closer they got to Arabay.

"We've arrived in Arabay." The coachman said.

They looked out the windows of the carriages and saw a city filled with color, music, a farmers market filled with life color and excitement, people dancing in the streets as they played music. Kai and Adele saw dogs running around and playing with kids making Adele smile.

"We have arrived at The Golden Night Palace or Arabay." The coachman said.

The palace was beautifully white as garden water fountains water shimmered in the sun light causing a rainbow in the water

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The palace was beautifully white as garden water fountains water shimmered in the sun light causing a rainbow in the water. Servants upon servants walked outside and took their luggage as left the carriages. An older man around the same age as their father with short thick blackish blue hair combed back with side burns connecting to a thick full beard walked about side the palace doors, he was tall and a dark natural tan and golden eyes; he was dress in a white and gold robes that shined in the light of the sun walked down steps. A woman just as old as him walked by his sided her dark brown hair held in a tight curled bun with accents of silver jewelry were in her hair, dressed in emerald green that reached the floor with sheer long sleeves that showed her light tan skin, silver designs decorated the bottom of her dress, her silver shoes clicked as she walked down the steps, her eyes were as blue as the sky and shined just like the silver and emeralds that decorated her neck.

"I am King Riaan and this is my lovely wife Queen Vanya. We welcome you to Arabay." King Riaan said with a warm smile.

The princes and Heine bowed while Adele and Queen Maria curtseid.

"I am Queen Maria mother of King Viktor von Granzreich." Maria said.

"It's an honor to make your acquaintance." Vanya said.

"I am Heine Wittgenstein the royal tutor of the four princes." Heine said.

"Come, you must be hungry after the journey breakfast should be ready soon but until then let's us get you dressed in something cooler and you can meet the our children." Riaan said.

They walked the halls of the palace so elegantly decorated in white and gold with hints of tan and lighter shades of brown. Riaan lead them to giants doors.

"Before you get dressed I would like you to meet my 10 sons." He said with a smile.

He opened the large doors to reveal a large elegant round room with hundreds of pillows in one corner on top of the pillows were 10 handsome boys all elegantly dressed in silver white.

"Hello Father." They said in unison.

"Let us introduce them. Meet Hiran the first prince, he the most mature of the princes, age 22." Vanya said with a smile.

Hiran had black hair, a dark tan complexion, gold eyes and a stoic look upon his face.

"Aarav the second prince, he's the most seductive of the princes, age 21."

Aarav had blackish brown hair, a tan complexion, blue eyes and a seductive smile across his face.

"Kambli the third prince, he's the most caring of the princes, age 20."

Kambli had brown hair, a light tan conplexion, green eyes and a warm smile across his face.

"Pavak the fourth prince, he's the most violent of the princes, age 19"

Pavak had blackish blue hair, a dark complexion, dark blue eyes with a scar over his right and a angry look upon his face.

"Lekh the fifth prince, he's the most intelligent of the princes, age 18."

Lekh had dark brown hair, a tan complexion, light gold eyes behind silver framed glasses and had a bored look across his face as he read the book in his hands.

"The twin princes. Amit the sixth prince and most mischievous of the prince and Namit the seventh prince of the most angelic of the princes, age 17."

They both had blackish blue hair, light tan complexions, dim green eyes, Amit had a smirk across his face while Namit had a kind smile.

"The triplet princes. Chinmaya the eighth prince and the most adventurous, Tanmaya the nineth prince and the most prideful and Vismaya the tenth prince and the most energetic of the princes, age 5

All three of them had dark brown hair, dark tan complexions, sky blue eyes and happy smiles across their faces.

"You know who we came to see." Heine said.

Riaan was taken back by the much shorter man's statement beforing giving him a small smile.

"Of course," the king said before turning to his sons, "boys I want to introduce you to Bruno von Granzreich, your sister's fiancé. I trust that you will respect him and the people he came with for the next couple of weeks before your sister leaves with them."

"Yes Father." They all said.

"Come Bruno let me show you my daughter."

Bruno walked with him silently down the golden hallway. He felt an arm around his shoulder and looked up to see the king smiling at him.

"Charvi has been looking forward to seeing you." Riaan said.

"I have as well." Bruno said.

"Bruno, I see you as an honest person but I also see you as a man."

"I feel like that has a deeper meaning to it."

"I feel like I can trust you and feel you would never lie to me. But as a man you have desires and temptations only a woman can get rid of. So since she is my only daughter you should understand the protective eye me and my sons will have on you until the two of you leave together."

"Of course. I understand, but it will be a challenge."

"How so?"

"Your daughter from what I hear is the most beautiful princess there is and like you said a man dose have temptations."

"I like you already."

Bruno smiled before adjusting his fixing his glasses. They arrived at white doors. When Riaan opened them and silk curtain blew in the breeze of opened windows and the first thing Bruno saw was a beautiful pair of vivid emerald green eyes.

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