The Trip

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Servants carrying the royal family's suitcases to two different horse drawn carriages placing suitcases at the top and tying them in place. Heine walked out with the princes and princess behind him. Viktor and Queen Mother stood in front of two carriages and smiled.

"I trust you to take care of them while my mother joins you on this trip." Viktor said.

"You have my word your Highness." Heine bowed.

Shadow jumped into the second carriage and Adele followed him inside.

"Queen Mother if you don't mind me asking. Why are the princes and princess going to Arabay?" Heine asked.

"You'll have to ask the king." She smiled before entering the carriage Adele entered.

Kaia entered the carriage with his sister and grandmother while Prince Leonhard and Prince Licht entered the first carriage, Prince Bruno stood by Heine's side as they stood in front of the king.

"Arabay is where Bruno's fiancée is Princess Charvi, daughter of King Riaan and Queen Vanya, 16 years of age only born three months after Bruno and the most beautiful princess making her the know as Arabay's Desert Jewel." King Viktor smiled.

"Anything else I should know about my fiancée?" Bruno asked.

"Very smart young woman and the only princess with 10 brothers."

"Something has peaked my your Highness," Heine said, "she's the most beautiful princess, surely Kings and Queens would be offering multiple gifts. So out of what can I only imagine dozens of suitors why Bruno?"

"Could you be a little more specific."

"Of course. Just like his brothers Bruno is very handsome, but what did he offer that all the other suitors could not?"

"My gift to her wasn't silks, jewels or wine. All I gave her was a letter telling her who I was, what I could give her as well as a solid gold locket with beautiful detailing." Bruno said proudly.

"A gift of honesty from Queen Vanya says." Viktor smiled.

"How long will the trip take to the Kingdom of Arabay?" Heine said adjusting his glasses.

"Three days time. You'll be staying for a couple weeks. We want Charvi to grow accustom to Bruno."

"Alright I will see you in a couple of weeks."

Heine bowed before entering the carriage with the three younger princes.

"Knock it of Licht!" Leonhard yelled.

"You started it Leo." Licht growled.

Licht and Leonhard were pushing each others faces away as they had a hold of each others shirts

"Did not!" Leonhard yelled.

"Did too!" Licht yelled back.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

The two continued yelling like that at each other as the carriage. Bruno looked at his book that he brought along so he could read.

"This is going to be one long trip to Arabay." Bruno muttered.

He continued to read his book as the carriages got farther and farther away from the castle.

The Royal Tutor: Bruno's Desert JewelWhere stories live. Discover now