Life Until Now

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The week after Naruto's fourth birthday he had begun living in an apartment located in the red light district, not the safest place to stay for a child, but to him it was home, and it was more than enough. The hokage had started training him, and two days after he transferred into his apartment, he had unlocked his chakra.

There were some complications due to the fact that even without the Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto had massive chakra reserves, which made it substantially harder to control, but it also allowed came with some perks.
For example, Naruto couldn't accomplish a standard bunshin, or clone, but he was able to use the kage bunshin, a solid clone technique that even some jounins had a hard time completing.

There was; however, one thing that didn't change, and that was the way that Naruto was treated. Naruto was unable to go to restaurants, stores, or the local library unless he placed a henge on himself, the only place that he was allowed entrance to was a ramen shop called Ichiraku, which was owned by Teuchi and his daughter Ayame.

Naruto was bothered by it, but chose to never let it show, and focused on learning all that he could to keep himself away from the hateful eyes of the villagers. He started keeping notebooks, and he taught himself much about the use of hand signs and the flow of chakra, along with chakra points. He even started to dissect jutsu, and wrote down his findings in his books. 

It was at the time he was six and a half when the hokage allowed him to have an underground home in case of an emergency, but Naruto made use of his situation and turned the biggest room into a laboratory, along with the second room into a library.

It started off small, with him making medical pastes from herbs he had begun growing in the forest, but escalated into projects such as experimentation with different metals and their conductivity using lightning justus he had learned and electrical wire.

He convinced the hokage to get him a tempering oven and an anvil, and by the age of seven he had begun smithing. He started by making daggers using scrap pieces of metal, but was unsatisfied with the results, and began testing metals that he could identify using heat.
Soon he had a full notebook about the correct processes and the amount of heat used to make a weapon using every metal that he could get his hands on.

His swords were beautiful, and the handles were just as amazing. The hokage managed to get him to agree to giving some of his weapons to the weapon shop run by Koshiro. They were admired by many, and quickly bought off by shinobi who enjoyed the hidden blade smith's designs and the fact that they were exceptionally efficient due to being enhanced with chakra.
An agreement was made, and soon Naruto was providing weapons to the shop once a month and receiving pay.

However, on Naruto's eighth birthday, he was attacked and raped. The attack left him with mental scars and only some physical, but one of the drunks that had aided in the assault had smashed a bottle of alcohol against Naruto's eyes.

When he was found the cuts had already been healed, but the alcohol had seeped into the wounds at such a fast rate that his vision was damaged. It wasn't too too terrible of a difference, he could still make out the shapes of objects, but if he didn't wear glasses or contacts his vision was blurry.

After the attack Naruto had secluded himself and did whatever he could to take his mind off of that night. He started learning fuinjutsu, the art of sealing, began to make his own jutsu, and even learned cooking.

He still wrote down his progress and achievements down in his notebooks, but he refused to wear his glasses, only using contacts. This was also the time that he started the academy, and it didn't help at all that his teacher believed he was the demon fox.

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