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If someone gave you an option 

To become an immortal being 

Would you make that choice 

Even if there's no freeing

To get to live forever 

To never have to die 

To never age a day 

To never say goodbye

Days turn into monthes 

They soon become a year 

After that comes centuries 

You're still alive and here

A gift or a curse 

To watch the time fly by 

The sun rises so many days 

Stars shine in the night sky

You have plenty of time to make money 

And visit the places you want to go 

And buy anything that you want 

Your bank will overflow

Watching how technology changes 

Hearing big news from different times 

Seeing buildings go down and get rebuilt 

Tasting the newest wines

Your style of clothing would change 

Your taste of music too 

The prices of things could go up or down 

You'll figure out a way to get through

The idea sounds like the perfect thing 

But soon you'll change your mind 

Being immortal is messing with time 

And time itself won't be kind

Just because you don't have to die 

Of never age again 

Doesn't mean bad things never happen 

You just don't know when

You can still get a little sick 

Get a sprain and break a bone 

Major things like cancer and plagues 

Well those will leave you alone

While you don't have to say goodbye to this world 

You still have to say goodbye 

To people who start to get suspicious 

There are rules that do apply

You can't stay in a place to long 

Always be ready to run 

There are always people after you 

To find out how it's done

That is how you became immortal of course 

They're bad and want to know how 

Nothing would stop them from finding out 

The hunters have made it their vow

The secret is dangerous in the wrong hands 

The ability to not be killed 

They'll torture you until the brink of death 

Until they know the truth was spilled

Immortality has ups and downs 

As do many things 

Forever is a long long time 

You'll have to see what it brings

Long, yes and boring too 

But also thrilling and exciting  

It's fascinating and a savior for some 

So you can see why it sounds inviting

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2012 ⏰

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