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What you need to know is down below (Bars!😎)!

Don't ship Sebastian and Hannah! I'm telling you this because I have a feeling someone's going to ship him with Hannah (you'll know who Hannah is once you read the first chapter) and you're going to be very disappointed if you do, don't do it!

Carter is Charlie's boyfriend, and they are going to be really effing cute guys, I'm warning you now, lol.

Everyone is fifteen or older, minus Nicholas of course, he's nine.

And I know, Cameron looks like a zombie (that's what my dad said when I showed him lol), but that's just the picture I found and I couldn't find better one of the same girl, but meh, I think she looks like a tired bad-ass lol.

Sorry if the chapters seem a little wishy-washy, it's almost two in the morning here and I'm tired af, 😩lol.

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