The Metal Session

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Welcome to 'The Metal Session', it's gonna be awesome!!!!


C'mon Sam!, Let's reserve the beanbags before everyone else does!~Cc

Yea, Yea Cc!, I'm coming~Sam

Yo! can I join?~Patrick asked

Well what are you waiting for?~Cc

It takes time to walk ya know!~Patrick

Then we sat in our beanbags to Read!, I'd forgotten to go get more books after borrowing!

Hey Bro's Brb~Cc

Yep, ok!~Pat-Sam

I'd gone to fetch two books because I already had my third, so I walk up to two different shelves and pick out randomly picked out a book called 'Lions' and another called 'Metal' and then walked back and found six people instead of two, Then Pia suggested to play a game (By the way we didn't make up a name for it) and it was to get one person to read out one sentence at a time and for the other players to think up something entirely Wrong ( as in sick, 'The Talk' related) so we'd chosen 'Metal' to be the fatal book, Patrick was nominated the reader.

Metal is one of the worlds most useful materials, came from Pat's mouth and suddenly we are all laughing and 'Ewwwwwing' and then after we stopped doing whatever we were doing I said 'Wink, Wink'.

"Awkward silence"

"Ewwing and laughing starts again"

Patrick then read out "Look around and you'll see that we use it everywhere - in our cars, offices, homes and schools. It's hard to imagine life without it"

I nearly yelled out WHAT THE HELL! is wrong with these books it's a school and we are reading such inappropriate stuff ( like we cared) and then realized I was as wrong as the book is!, and we lauged even more and then went up to class in time for lunch. To grap our hats of our chairs and go to the usual table outside, but before we go anywhere I scale down stairs (Yep that's right I grab the metal bars for the stairs and launch myself down and land perfectly fine, I even did the launching with a faulty knee but who gives I'm still alive my knee is great) and as I land I kind of run at the same time to catch-up with Sam ( so if you haven't noticed I'm a multitasker!) and then the next thing I know we are (along with all the other 6/7's) piling around on the school oval and we decide to play 6 v.s 7 soccer (but some year 7's had to join the 6's team because they were short players).

Well I'm put in defense with Kyal and Ell's sharing goals and we talk then Ryleigh joins us in our Sick/Sad conversation about 'IT' (LOL you know what I mean by 'IT' right?) and Kyal also "had to" rock the goals side-side and Ell's said (it's utterly wrong but what the hell we can choose whether or to read it) that's what you do in (IT'S SICK I'M WARNING YOU!) your bed then he (Ell's) ahd just started Laughing (Again..........Men?) and and luckily he didnt fall to to floor or Kyal would've followed and I'll end being the goalie (Seriously me Goals?. I dont think so but everyone says I'm a Great Goalie personally I kind of don't believe them!) anyways they're both still standing upright (about to collapse down on the ground though.... It will be their funeral though) I also laughed at the joke then atfer a bit more defending and for the others Goaling it was bell time.

Upto Class it was.



Sorry it took so long but hey I'm done now so I hope you've enyed this so far I'll be doing the next chapter today too it might not be to long though.

Love, Cc

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