Scars and excuses

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"So, this is the new house?" I asked, approaching my new house.
"Yeah, but don't get too happy" sneered my dad" your getting the shitty room"
"As always..." I muttered under my breath.
You see, we had to move because I got expelled from my old school back in Jupiter Florida so we moved to Chicago Illinois along with my 16 year old sister Ava who is only two years older  than me but still treats me like shit.
"Home sweet home" I grimaced, stepping inside the house.
That's the sound the razor made as it made in contact with my skin. Small beads of blood appeared on my wrists. I smiled slightly, as blood dropped down the sides of my arm.
Suddenly, I was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.
"If your going to cut yourself, at least shut the door" (Ahs quote from Tate *wink*)
I whipped around to see a tall pale boy with neatly combed black hair and emerald green eyes.
"Who the he'll are you?!" I shrieked, stumbling back and knocking over my glass of water causing it to shatter "get the fuck out!"
The boy just shushed me and put his fingers to his pale lips. I closed my eyes but when I opened them he was gone. I had officially gone psycho.
"Shit..." I cursed, eyeing the broken shards of glass.
"Genevieve! What did you break this time?!" I heard my dad shout, stomping up the stairs.
Suddenly he was at my doorway.
"It was an accident I swe-" I was interrupted by a loud slapping sound.
I put my hand up to my cheek. I felt tears sting my eyes. No, you can't cry I. Front of him Genny, he'll think your weak
"I hate you! Why can't you just let me kill my self already you piece of shit!" I screamed, chucking my bloody razor at him.
It ended up hitting him in the cheek. He had an infuriated look in his eyes. He leaped towards me, trying to grab my still bloody wrist when suddenly my instincts kicked in.
I opened my window and rolled onto the roof. I slipped off the top of it and fell into the grassy yard. I coughed, all of the air had been knocked out of me.
"Looks like we've got a fighter" the farmiliar voice of the boy said.
"Who the hell even are you? And why can't you just fuck off?" I asked, clearly annoyed as I lit myself a cigarette.
"I want to help you " he stated.
I chuckled bitterly before asking "and how exactly"
The coldness in my voice practically radiated.
"Have you ever wanted to kill someone?" He asked.
"I'm listening" I said, crossing my arms and giving him my full attention with my cigarette stuck between my teeth.
"Follow me" he said.
"I don't even know your name!" I retorted.
"It's Milo" he replied blandly "now are you coming?"
"Well, why the hell not?" I said out loud.
He grabbed my wrist, gently causing me to flinch and jerk it our of his reach. A look of confusion crossed his face. I rolled up my sleeves to reveal the scars seeping blood.
"Quick note" I added "don't ever grab me by the wrist" blowing smoke in his face before following him inside my house.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we made our way through the hallway, his hand lightly grasping my elbow.
"You'll see" he replied, his slick voice emotionless like a robot yet so smooth I could practically taste butter.
I scoffed. As we walked, I took in the time to gaze at his features. The way his nose curved perfectly above his thin lips and how he held the lighter in his hand as he led my through the darkness.
No! What the hell Genny? Stop getting attached to people so quickly, we all know how that ended up last time I thought to myself, shivering as I remembered the pool of blood.
"Oh shut up" I muttered.
Milo turned around confused.
"Not you... just the voices, in my head" I stated blandly not wanting to sound crazy.
Suddenly we stopped walking. Milo lifted up an entrance to some sort of cellar. He went first, then me. Let's just hope he isn't some serial killer planing to murder me I scoffed.
On the floor in a circle sat four kids. Milo lightly grabbed my wrist as we sat down. I flinched but he didn't seem to notice. He really is strange, isn't he?
"This ones mine" smirked a little ginger-haired boy, sliding a tape into a video player (idk what it's called 😂)
Suddenly a film started to play. It was just a perfect family, fishing. Why'd they do this? To rub it in my face? To show me how perfect their family is compared to mind.
"What is this family-Funtime?" I snarled.
Suddenly the screen flipped to a new scene. The family was hanging upside down over a lake with sacks over their heads. Creative, I thought.
Suddenly an alligator jumped under out of the water, eating the family one by one. I didn't realize I was still staring at The screen until at least a minute after the film stopped.
"So, what'd you think about the film Gen?" Asked Milo, his signature smirk never leaving his face once.
"It was cool, but a little boring" I shrugged " also, don't call me Gen, ever"
All of them stared at me, wide eyed.
"Well, that's a first" said a brunette girl, interrupting the silence.

Hey guys I finally made a new Milo story that I actually enjoy writing, so yeah. Xoxo dolls

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